.NET Blog

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XDT (web.config) Transforms in non-web projects

One of the really cool features that we shipped for Visual Studio 2010 was web.config (XDT) transformations. Because the transformations are so simple and straightforward one of the first questions that someone asks after using it is “how can I use this in my other projects?” Unfortunately this feature is only built into the Web ...

Finalization Uncovered

I’ve talked about finalization before but based on seeing questions related to it it appears that it deserves some clarification.   First of all, finalization is a mechanism we provide in the CLR wheras Dispose is a programming pattern. See Clearing up some confusion over finalization and other areas in GC for an explanation why we ...

How to solve JavaScript IntelliSense problems in VS2010

VS2010 should support all of the VS2008 JavaScript functionalities as shown in Scott Guthrie’s VS2008 JavaScript IntelliSense blog.  It includes: 1. Basic type inference 2. IntelliSense from referenced external JavaScript libraries 3. IntelliSense from XML comments for functions, parameters and return types 4. Calling web services ...

CLR Inside Out – New Features and Improved Performance in Silverlight 4

(image) Sorry for the late notice, but October installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN Magazine is available on line. This month we have an article from Andrew Pardoe and Justin Van Patten on the move to a new CoreCLR for Silverlight 4. The article specifically covers new GC capabilities, improved startup performance, ...

Win7 Mobile Development Tools

If you haven’t installed the Visual Studio Mobile tools for building Win7 applications I would highly recommend you do so now via one of the following links: The release notes can be found here: Release Notes Programming Resources: http://charlespetzold.com/phone/index.html Channel 9 Training: https://channel9.msdn.com/learn/...