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Profile and Time your ASP.NET MVC app all the way to Azure

Successful web app dev teams generally consider performance a requirement from the beginning,  not an afterthought. Performance should be considered in all phases of a project, from design and into production, including updates to the app. That's not to say you should try to optimize code before you've measured it, you really don't know...

QueueBackgroundWorkItem to reliably schedule and run background processes in ASP.NET

Stack Overflow is loaded with questions on how to reliably run a resource-intensive process on a background thread. See  so0, so1, so2, so3, so4, so5, so6, so7, so8, so9, so10 . Examples of long-running tasks include sending email, image processing, and generating a PDF file. When Phil Haack was a program manager on the ASP.NET MVC team, ...

New Getting-Started Resources for Azure Cloud Services and ASP.NET

This week we published a new getting-started tutorial with sample project for Azure Cloud Services on the azure.microsoft.com site. This is a multi-tier application that uses Azure SQL Database and Azure Storage queues and blobs.  It’s designed to be as simple as possible for a multi-tier application with web and worker roles, so ...

Why Katana should be on your radar

Additional Resources...

Instant Azure Caching with MVC

Warning. This is obsolete, see my new blog MVC movie app with Azure Redis Cache in 15 minutes Warning: Most of the information in this blog is for the Preview edition and should not be used or targeted for production code. Use the In-Role Cache for production code. In this blog post I’ll take my MVC Movie app and in 15 minutes connect it...

EF/MVC Series updated to EF5/MVC4

Tom Dykstra and I have updated Tom’s popular EF/MVC series to the latest release, that is MVC 4 and EF 5. The biggest change was the addition of code first migrations.  What’s great about the updated 10 part series is you can download the end of each chapter. Suppose you want to get a jump start on Concurrency (Covered in ...

Debugging ASP.NET Web API with Route Debugger

Tutorial and Tool written by Troy Dai (Twitter @troy_dai) with assistance from Rick Anderson (Twitter @RickAndMSFT) Search for “asp.net web api routing” on stackoverflow, you’ll find many questions. How exactly does Web API routing work? Why doesn’t my route work? Why is this action not invoked? Often time it is difficult to debug ...

ASP.NET MVC Facebook Birthday App

Tom Dykstra and I have published a really cool tutorial on creating a MVC FB birthday app. You can test the app out by clicking on the FB link below:https://apps.facebook.com/birthdayapp-mvc/The image below shows the birthday app.(image) Yao Huang Lin  is the principal developer for the ASP.NET MVC Facebook library and templates and he ...

Deploy a Secure ASP.NET MVC application with OAuth, Membership and SQL Database

I’ve published a tutorial shows you how to build a secure ASP.NET MVC 4 web application that enables users to log in with credentials from Facebook, Yahoo, and Google and deploy the application to Windows Azure. This tutorial assumes that you have no prior experience using Windows Azure. On completing this tutorial, you'll have a secure ...