.NET Blog

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HTML Editing Features in Visual Studio 2013 RC

Several interesting features have been added to the new HTML editor in Visual Studio 2013 RC since the VS 2013 Preview release. See HTML Editing Features in Visual Studio 2013 Preview for a rundown of the Preview features. CSS Class and ID IntelliSense In the Preview release, the new HTML editor did not implement CSS Class IntelliSense, ...

Update: Knockout IntelliSense Highlight Bug Fix

In an earlier blog post on June 24th entitled Knockout IntelliSense Highlighting Bug Fix I described a bug fix in the Knockout IntelliSense feature. In that post I recommended installing Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2012) – 2.0 to acquire the fix since it did not make it into any of the Visual Studio Updates for 2012. Several ...

Knockout IntelliSense Highlighting Bug Fix

We introduced Knockout IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2012 for web projects with KnockoutJS included, and fixed a few bugs in VS Update 1 and 2. However, one bug was not fixed in VS Update 2 and is still frequently reported: the highlighting region can shift around as the page is edited: (image) This bug was fixed and release in Web ...

Disabling Knockout Intellisense

Update 4/4/2013: This problem is fixed in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 (VS2012.2). If the internal JavaScript engine could not figure out the IntelliSense in one second, VS will time out instead of keep evaluating (which in some cases can slow down VS significantly).  If it happens, some KnockoutJS IntelliSense will not be shown in the editor...

MVC Single Page Application Template Update for ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 RC

We added a C# MVC Single Page Application (SPA) template in ASP.NET Fall 2012 Update BUILD Preview. John Papa had written a detailed blog about the preview version. With help of John Papa’s detailed feedback and sample code, we’ve rewritten and reorganized the JavaScript code to make it more structured in RC. We really appreciate the help ...

Knockout Intellisense in ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 RC

WTE (Web Tools Extension) 1.2 RC is part of the ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 RC and it’s available for download from http://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=36053. Knockout Intellisense is an exciting new feature in WTE 1.2 RC.  Knockout is a declarative JavaScript MVVM system for client-side data binding. ...