.NET Blog

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Improvements in .NET Framework Setup for Developers, IT Pros, and Users

The only experience most Microsoft customers have with the .NET Framework is the deployment and installation experience, which is why we spend so much time analyzing opportunities to improve it. For .NET 4.5, our goal was to build a product that was equivalent to a service pack with additional features. Our team studied how other products ...

BlogEngine.NET and Windows Azure Web Sites

The Windows Azure Web Sites team has been hard at work looking at various applications and working with vendors and community contributors to add some great applications to the web sites gallery. If you’re a blogger and you’d like to get started for free with a simple, yet extensible blogging tool, you might want to check this out. ...

Improving Your App’s Performance with PerfView

Late last year, Vance Morrison, who is currently an architect on the .NET Framework Performance team, released PerfView, which is a new performance tool for .NET developers. PerfView helps you discover and investigate performance hotspots in .NET Framework apps, and enables you to deliver consistently high-performance apps to your customers...

More Details on the “Closing Tag Problem”

We are testing a fix for the “closing tag problem” bug, but it will still take some time to deliver the fix to customers. The work-around posted earlier will alleviate the problem now and should not need to be undone once the fix is shipped.This bug has actually been in the product for several release, but was previously hidden by ...

Workaround for HTML closing tag problem

In Visual Studio 2012, HTML tags will fail to be automatically closed when using the following keyboard layouts: On these keyboards, the “>” character is typed by pressing AltGr+. or RightAlt+.Work around Typing an HTML tag will now result in the closing tag being automatically inserted, as in VS 2010...

WCF Duplex Bi-directional Streaming with WebSocket Transport

DuplexBiDirectionalStreaming VS2012 project DuplexBiDirectionalStreaming.zip Introduction With WebSocket transport, it’s possible to use streamed transport on the Duplex Callback – something that was previously a technical limitation with WCF but is now possible using this transport. New to .Net4.5 is the NetHttpBinding (and ...

ASP.NET 4.5 ScriptManager Improvements in WebForms

The ScriptManger control has undergone some key targeted changes in ASP.NET 4.5 which makes it easier to register, manage and combine scripts using the ASP.NET weboptimization feature. This post will highlight the changes that have happened to this control Easy Integration with JQuery and JQueryUI The default templates for WebForms ship with...

Configuring your ASP.NET application for Microsoft OAuth account

This post is a part of the series about how to enable and use OpenID/OAuth support that was added to the ASP.NET templates in Visual Studio 2012. In this post I am going to detail the instructions on configuring your application to use Microsoft account for authentication. I am going to be focusing on configuring the application for a ...

An ASP.NET Open Source How-To Decoder Ring

As you probably know, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, and Web Pages are available as open source on aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com. If you want to go beyond using the official RTM versions and either use the latest nightly drops, compile it yourself, or create pull requests then here’s a decoder ring for how to get started:1) Using the Nightly NuGet ...