Showing results for Personal - Brian Harry's Blog

Feb 1, 2012

Kicking myself

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I kind of checked out of the blogosphere just before the holidays and haven’t resurfaced.  I feel bad about it.  I will say I had a good holiday.  I took a full 2 1/2 weeks off and did pretty much nothing but farm work.  It was a great vacation.  It’s the longest I’ve been away from work in a very long tim...

Aug 16, 2011

What a week!

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Every year, on the farm, I pick a few “big” projects to do.  Earlier this year I built cattle handling facilities.  I’m also building goat fencing - and if you think that’s a small feat, you just haven’t been around goats.  A friend of mine says if a giraffe can’t get over it and water can’t ...

Jan 5, 2011

Getting back into it after the holidays

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I hope you all had a great holiday break and new year.  I just posted my first post since mid December.  I actually took a pretty sizable break from work this year and really didn't do any work at home other than skim mail to avoid being buried when I got back :)  It was a good break for me - lots of family time and plenty of farm wo...

Nov 10, 2010

Busy on the Farm

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

A couple of weeks ago I promised I’d post an update on the farm. It’s hard to believe but it’s been over 2 years since my last big post on the farm. It’s been busy but I still love it. In fact, I’m just finishing up a “farmcation”. I needed to stockpile hay for the winter and I can’t grow enough so I had 148 rolls delivered yesterday and today ...

Oct 22, 2010

Addendum to the Farming Lesson

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I forgot one thing about my experience with the round bale feeder (perhaps I blocked it out :)).  As the calf started running off with the round bale feeder hooked on his hips, he was mooing in a total panicked frenzy.  This, of course excited the other 60 cows that were in the field with him and they all started charging toward us, running around ...

Oct 22, 2010

A Lesson in Farming

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Take my advice.  Don’t get in a round bale ring with a cow. It’s been a while since I’ve written about my alter-ego – farmer Brian.  I’ve been meaning to write a general farm update post and still hope to in the next couple of weeks (with pictures and all).  But something happened this last week that was funny enough that I just had to take a few ...

Sep 11, 2010

In India this week

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I just got to Bangalore a few hours ago and will be going to Hyderabad in a couple of days.  I can tell you that the ~24 hours of flying to get here has been exhausting.  It's early morning here but bed time at home.  I left Friday evening and arrived Sunday morning.  It's my first time to India.  Unfortunately, it's going ...

Apr 20, 2010

Home at last

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Well, kinda.  I'm actually at work :) But I made it back to North Carolina finally this morning.  It was another delay packed trip with about 11 hours of waiting in the Moscow airport and another 7 hours of waiting in New York (due to the missed connection caused by the Moscow waiting).  Another night of lost sleep but I'm finally ho...

Apr 19, 2010

Travel update

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

After two canceled flights and countless hours of waiting over the weekend, I have, sadly, decided to throw in the towel on the rest of this trip.  I lost out on going to Croatia and it was not looking good to get to Prague.  Today, they closed Bulgarian airspace.  After already having two 36 hour runs of being awake this week due to...

Apr 17, 2010

Volcanic Ash

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Well the cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland that is covering much of Europe currently has me grounded in Moscow.  I’m supposed to be on my way for the rest of my launch presentations but I suppose that will have to wait.  In the mean time, I think I’ll catch up on a little blogging.Brian
