Showing results for August 2011 - Brian Harry's Blog

Aug 31, 2011

Merge enhancements in TFS 11

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Here’s the next post in my series of “Developers are raving fans” enhancements coming in TFS 11.  My last post was on workspace improvements. One of the things we consistently get customer feedback on in TFS 2010 is that merging is still too complicated and/or too limited.  We’ve made several significant improvements in the coming ...

Aug 29, 2011

Sequencing VS 2010 with App-V

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

For all of you who have been waiting to create App-V images of VS 2010, it’s finally possible.  You’ll need VS 2010 + SP1 + 1 patch and App-V 4.6 SP1.  Here’s some instructions for how to do it. You might wonder why it hasn’t just always worked.  For an app to work just fine in an App-V image, it must not have...

Visual Studio
Aug 24, 2011

Developer Tools Deployment Planning Services

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

When you purchase Software Assurance along with your software purchases from Microsoft, you get Deployment Planning Services“ credits.  These credits can be spent on deployment planning training/consulting on all manner of Microsoft software.  This is nothing new.  It’s been in place for a while.  I don’t think...

Visual Studio
Aug 19, 2011

August '11 TFS Power Tools are available!

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Yesterday we released the latest version of the TFS Power Tools that I described here Here are the links: **UPDATE**: Here's a new "short" link to the main VS Power Tools landing page: It's another very nice upgrade of the Power Tools with some long awaited features.  I want to thank the team for the hard work they...

TFS Dogfood statistics
Aug 16, 2011

What a week!

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Every year, on the farm, I pick a few “big” projects to do.  Earlier this year I built cattle handling facilities.  I’m also building goat fencing - and if you think that’s a small feat, you just haven’t been around goats.  A friend of mine says if a giraffe can’t get over it and water can’t ...

Aug 9, 2011

TFS 2010 Cumulative Update republished

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Finally.  Yesterday we republished the TFS 2010 SP1 Cumulative update.  You'll find the download here: You can read my original article about it to learn more: To refresh your memory...

Aug 8, 2011

Aug ‘11 TFS Power Tools coming soon

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

We’re in final testing for the August release of the TFS Power Tools.  I’ve been playing around with it for the past couple of days and it’s looking really good.  In this post I’ll give you a sneak preview of what is coming and then, as soon as the download is available (another week or two), I’ll blog the link.  I hope you are really ...

Aug 5, 2011

18 Months of Developer Division Releases

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I realized it’s not really right for me to say we’ve shipped 75 releases in the past 18 months and then leave you to guess what they were.  I asked Jeff for the slide he presented and have copied the data here.  It’s roughly categorized.  I’m not promising the categorization is completely accurate or that we ...

Visual Studio
Aug 4, 2011

VS Release cadence question

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

In my post on MTM performance, Lachlan asked if we plan to start releasing VS more often.  I wrote an answer but it got so long that I decided to turn it into a post instead.  Here it is... As for release cadence, it's a complicated question. We've had a lot of conversations about it over the years and we want to release more frequently.&...

Visual Studio
Aug 2, 2011

A comment on performance

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

If you check out our User Voice site, 4 of the top 5 voted items have to do with performance.  Over the next few months I’ll comment about some of the work we are doing around VS performance (and there has been a lot).  But I just got some data that I wanted to share. About half way down the second page (with 73 votes currently) is ...
