Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

VS Team Services Update – Jan 25th

This week we are deploying the changes from sprints 93 and 94 (they spanned Christmas/New Years so we combined them into a single deployment.  You can read the release notes for all the details.As usual, as I write this, the updates have not yet made it to all tenants but they will over the next day or two.This deployment has an unusually...

Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services roadmap update

Today we are making a major update to our “Features Timeline” for TFS and VSTS. To remind you, the Features Timeline provides an indication of some of the bigger, higher demand things we are working on and when we think they will be delivered – both on premises in TFS and in the cloud in VSTS (formerly VS Online). A few caveats… It ...

News from Connect(); 2015

Today is our annual Fall developer Connect(); event in New York.  I’m here talking about a ton of new stuff that we’re doing to help developers adopt agile DevOps practices.  Normally I would write a detailed post with screenshots and descriptions highlighting the news.  However, this time, I’m going to take a ...

Visual Studio Online Update – Oct 30

As usual, you can read the release notes for this update on One of the most popular improvements released this sprint are our new dashboards.  We’ve been dogfooding them internally for a few sprints now and some of my feature teams have put together some very nice dashboards.  There are a number of tile types to choose...

TFS Office Integration Installer

One of the things I forgot to mention in my post about TFS 2015 Update 1 RC is that we have also shipped a preview of our new TFS Office Integration Installer (ISO image).  This new installer addresses a couple of scenarios: The PowerPoint storyboarding tool is a really nice way to mock up user experiences quickly and easily.  ...

Visual Studio Online Update – Oct 8th

Another post I missed last week was an announcement about our sprint 89 deployment for VS Online.  You can read the release notes for details.Probably the biggest thing is support for Active Directory group support for managing permissions.  This as been a very common request from our larger customers in VSO so they don’t need ...

VS Online Update – Sept 18

Sorry for being so late on this one.  The last couple of weeks have been very hectic for me and I’ve mostly had to ignore my blog.Last week we finished rolling out our sprint 88 work.  You can read about the details in the VS Online release notes.As has become the pattern over the past 6 months, this sprint, we rolled out a ...