Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

TFS on Windows Azure at the PDC

**UPDATED May 18th 2001** - See Hosting of ALM in the cloud as software as a service is gradually becoming more and more popular.  The vision, of course, is ALM as a seamless service – making it really easy to get started, easy to scale, easy to operate, easy ...

Help improvements in VS 2010 SP1

Jeff recently blogged about some pretty significant improvements that are coming in VS 2010 SP1: We've gotten some very strong feedback about local help viewing and we've gone a long way to try to address it.  Check out his post to learn more. Brian...

TFS Hosting at HostBasket

The other day, I alluded to one more TFS hosting announcement coming soon.  Today, I can be more clear :)  HostBasket, has announce TFS hosting with a free offer through the end of the year.  Check it out at:  I’m psyched to have another strong partner offering ...

Praktik Hosting Updates their Hosted TFS Offering

One of our relatively long term hosting partners - Praktik Hosting, has just updated their hosting offering based on our TFS 2010 product and licensing changes.  The result is a more affordable service with more features.  They are also going beyond just TFS and providing an option of licensing Urban Turtle for Scrum team management ...

Addendum to the Farming Lesson

I forgot one thing about my experience with the round bale feeder (perhaps I blocked it out :)).  As the calf started running off with the round bale feeder hooked on his hips, he was mooing in a total panicked frenzy.  This, of course excited the other 60 cows that were in the field with him and they all started charging toward us, running ...

A Lesson in Farming

Take my advice.  Don’t get in a round bale ring with a cow. It’s been a while since I’ve written about my alter-ego – farmer Brian.  I’ve been meaning to write a general farm update post and still hope to in the next couple of weeks (with pictures and all).  But something happened this last week that was funny enough that I just ...

Urban Turtle 3.5 Released

Urban Turtle is a TFS add-on that adds a Taskboard and Scrum management abilities to TFS Team Web Access.  I recently visited them in Montreal and got an up close look at the work they are doing and it’s very cool.  I strongly recommend it for people who are doing Scrum with TFS.  Check out their latest release at: http://...

Urban Turtle 3.5 Released

Urban Turtle is a TFS add-on that adds a Taskboard and Scrum management abilities to TFS Team Web Access.  I recently visited them in Montreal and got an up close look at the work they are doing and it’s very cool.  I strongly recommend it for people who are doing Scrum with TFS.  Check out their latest release at: http://...

Discount launches a hosted TFS service

Yesterday, Discount launched a TFS Software as a Service offering.  It’s great to have a large scale, experienced, global hoster providing hosted TFS services.  Their offering starts at $20 per user per month.  You can read more about it here:

Discount launches a hosted TFS service

Yesterday, Discount launched a TFS Software as a Service offering.  It’s great to have a large scale, experienced, global hoster providing hosted TFS services.  Their offering starts at $20 per user per month.  You can read more about it here: