Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

New Agile guidance

We've been working with some of the Agile & Lean thought leaders to gather their perspectives on the state of the art - past, present and future.  It's some good reading.  Check it out here: Brian  ...

Announcing a Build Service for Team Foundation Service

Today in my VS Live keynote, I announced and demonstrated a new cloud based build service for our Team Foundation Service on Azure.  From the beginning with tfspreview, you’ve been able to do builds, but – you had to install, manage, patch, etc the build machines yourself.  With this new service, we’ve made it possible to skip that and...

Keeping your TFS 2010 up to date as of March 2012

UPDATE It looks like Grant Holliday wrote a nice post that covers more than mine does.  It's not quite as up to date with the Compat GDR but it's good reading too: We've been releasing a variety of updates to TFS and the VS ...

The Future of CodePlex is Bright

The last 6 months or so have been really busy around here.  Over the next several months, you’ll see a lot of what’s been keeping us busy come to light.  Clearly a big part was unveiled recently with the launch of the VS/TFS/.NET Beta. In this post I want to talk about CodePlex. As you probably know CodePlex is a software ...

VS ALM Rangers Beta Content

Along with the VS/.NET/TFS Beta, the Visual Studio Rangers created a whole bunch of new readiness content to help you be successful with the next generation of our tools.  Real on their blog for more details:

Even Better Access to Team Foundation Server

About 2 years ago, we first introduced Team Explorer Everywhere.  In doing that we enabled diverse teams to work closely together regardless of platform or technology stack.  We provided organizations a substantially improved ability to manage all of their projects and get consistent visibility across them.  And we gave a new group of ...