Showing results for June 2007 - Brian Harry's Blog

Jun 20, 2007

June DevDiv Dogfood Statistics

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Orcas Beta 2 has been deployed on our dogfood server for about a month now and has been running quite well with very few patches.  We've been focusing primarily on cleaning up the event log and making sure we fix any bugs generating event log entries, making appropriate eventlog entries clear and actionable and removing spurious ones. I think ...

TFSTFS Dogfood statistics
Jun 20, 2007

Team System product group chats on July 3rd

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

The next set of Team System chats with the product group will be on July 3rd.  We're continuing the new tradition of 2 chats at different times to help accomodate people in different timezones around the world. Join the chat on Tuesday, July 3rd , 2007 from 10:00am - 11:00am Pacific Time. Add to Calendar | Additional Time Zones   &nb...

TFSVisual Studio
Jun 18, 2007

Using Subversion clients with Team Foundation Server

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

There a new and very interesting project on CodePlex today.  It's a "bridge" that allows Subversion clients (like TortoiseSVN) to work against a TFS server.  This project has been created by the team that develops CodePlex itself due to the popularity of Subversion clients.  This bridge works at the protocol level by transforming the...

Jun 15, 2007

Updated Quiescing patch released

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

We're now one step closer to the end of my humiliation :)  The updated quiescing patch has now been released and is available for all to use.  It should address many of the issues people have had with installing TFS 2005 SP1.  If you've already successfully installed SP1, you don't need to go back and mess with it, but you should ins...

Jun 12, 2007

The end of my humiliation is near?

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Well, I've been doing everything I could to hide from my humiliation that was the install experience around TFS SP1.  As you'll recall, the underlying problem was that the way it "quiesced" (deactivated) the server was not appropriate.  It didn't work for servers that were in the process of being used.  It didn't work for clustered s...

Jun 12, 2007

GAT/GAX Support for Orcas

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

A few weeks ago (in a thread about Orcas feedback) I got several questions about GAT/GAX support.  As promised I went and talked to the team about their plans and accelerating support.  Their plan had been to support Orcas at RTM, but given the feedback you gave and after reviewing the effort involved, they've come back with a plan to do ...

Visual Studio
Jun 11, 2007

Announcing Team Foundation Server <-> Project Server connector

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Today we are announcing the availability of a connector between TFS 2005 and Project Server 2007.  The goal of Team System is to conect together all of the people involved in software development projects and provide them the information they need, when they need it to make better decisions faster.  Since the initial release of TFS 2005, ...

Jun 6, 2007

SourceSafe GDR coming

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Richard Berg blogged today about the upcoming SourceSafe GDR.  Think of it as a service pack for SourceSafe 2005.  He's listed all of the bugs that we've fixed and some info on where the reports came from.Brian

Visual Studio
Jun 4, 2007

Dry spell

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

It's been a bit of a blogging dry spell for me the last couple of weeks and I think it's going to continue to be for a bit longer.  Sorry about that.  It's just been really hectic.  In a moment of insanity, I agreed to help someone work on a CodePlex project to hook TFS up to FrontPage server extensions so that you can use Visual Int...