December 17th, 2014

Windows 10 Insider + Premier Support for Developers: A winning combination to get your app ready for Windows 10

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Greg Roe, Senior Application Development Manager, spotlights the exciting new opportunity that Windows 10 represents for developers and shares several great suggestions to help you get started!


By now you’ve likely heard Microsoft’s recent  announcement of Windows 10.  This is an exciting new opportunity for developers to ride the wave and get your applications ready for some of the new features of Windows 10 such as the new Start menu, multiple desktops, and improved multi-tasking.


Premier Support for Developers & the Windows Insider Program are a winning combination to help you get ready, get to your development milestones and get to market faster.


What can you do to get ready for Windows 10?

  • Talk to your Application Development Manager about your application, business and technical objectives, and development milestones.  Premier Developer can align resources to help you meet your pre and post production development goals.
  • Join the Windows Insider Program  Get the latest Windows 10 Preview bits and get a head start developing and testing now.


Windows 10 Resources : Download and get new Windows 10 builds

  • Download the Windows 10 Technical Preview  here. (If you are an IT pro, Windows 10 Technical Preview for Enterprise is here.) Just a reminder — this is pre-release software for evaluation purposes only and not for your primary production environments.
  • If you have already installed Tech Preview, the latest builds will come to you automatically via Windows Update if you have your Windows environment configured as such. For most of you this means in the middle of the night. As long as your PC is plugged in — and either on or sleeping — the builds will be downloaded and installed for you. Note that Windows Update will not automatically download new builds over metered networks.
  • You can choose how often you’ll get new builds —”Fast” or “Slow.” With more frequent updates, you’ll see the latest features sooner, but you’re more likely to run into bugs. By default, all Insiders will be opted into the “Slow” track. 
  • Get all the latest and greatest about Tech Preview:  Follow Blogging Windows for announcements on builds, features and more.



Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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