December 27th, 2017

[Service Fabric] Auto-scaling your Service Fabric cluster–Part II

In the second post in his series on Auto-scaling a Service Fabric cluster, Premier Developer consultant Larry Wall highlights a new feature that allows you to tie auto-scaling to an Application Insights metric.

In Part I of this article, I demonstrated how to set up auto-scaling on the Service Fabric clusters scale set based on a metric that is part of a VM scale set (Percentage CPU). This setting doesn’t have much to do at all with the applications that are running in your cluster, it’s just a pure hardware scaling that may take place because of your services CPU consumption or some other thing consuming CPU.

There was a recent addition to the auto-scaling capability of a Service Fabric cluster that allows you to use an Application Insights metric, reported by your service to control the cluster scaling. This capability gives you more finite control over not just auto-scaling, but which metric in which service to provide the metric values.

Continue reading on Larry’s blog here.



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