PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Holiday Gift – Desired State Configuration (DSC) Resource Kit Wave-1

Continuing with the tradition of holiday gifts to the PowerShell community, the PowerShell team has just released DSC Resource Kit Wave-1 - a set of PowerShell modules that contain DSC resources and example configurations. The various modules that are part of DSC Resource Kit Wave 1 can be found here. When DSC was introduced in PowerShell ...

Automatically resuming Windows PowerShell Workflow jobs at logon

PowerShell Workflow helps IT Pros automate the long running tasks, or workflows, that can affect multiple managed computers or devices at the same time. Windows PowerShell Workflow is designed to be robust and recoverable. The features that are built into Windows PowerShell allow you to restart the target computers and, if the workflow is ...

Windows PowerShell Script Workflow Debugging

Script workflow debugging support is one of two major script debugging enhancements added in Windows PowerShell 4.0. The other new feature is script debugging in remote sessions, which is described in “Windows PowerShell Remote Debugging”. We introduced script workflow in Windows PowerShell 3.0. These are workflows written in the ...

Windows PowerShell Remote Debugging

Windows PowerShell 4.0 includes two major enhancements to the script debugger. First, script debugging now works in remote sessions. Second, we’ve added debugging support for workflow scripts. This blog article describes the new remote debugging support and a following article will describe the new workflow script debugging. Remote Script ...

PowerShell Security Best Practices

We get a lot of questions about PowerShell Security Best Practices, and we got the chance to present an overview of them at this year’s (Microsoft internal) BlueHat conference. This was a 20-minute presentation, and focused on two parts:   The video was recorded, and is available here: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/...

Understanding Meta Configuration in Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration

UPDATE 2/6/2018 - The latest information regarding LCM configuration is available in the documentation at the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/metaconfig .......... LCM and Meta Configuration To understand the concept of Meta Configuration, first we need to know what Local Configuration Manager (LCM) is, ...

How to Deploy and Discover Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Resources

A Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) resource contains a module file (*.psm1), an optional data file (*.psd1),and a *.schema.mof file. Details about what each of those files should look like, and how you can create those files using a DSC Resource Designer Tool, are discussed in an earlier blog post.  In this blog post, ...

PowerShell DSC Resource for configuring Pull Server environment

UPDATE 2/6/2018 - The latest information regarding DSC Pull Service can be found in the DSC documentation using the link - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/pullserver .......... DSC is a PowerShell extension that is part of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1. DSC enables deploying and managing configuration data ...

Resource Designer Tool – A walkthrough writing a DSC resource

At the heart of Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration are the resources. It is the resources which act behind the scenes for DSC to achieve its “make it so” philosophy. DSC ships with a number of resources in-box and you can take a look here for the complete list. However, once you get started with DSC, you may want to write your ...