.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

New “Parallel Computing” dev center on MSDN

There's a new Parallel Computing developer center on MSDN: "Microsoft’s Parallel Computing developer center is dedicated to providing information, ideas, community, and technology to developers to make it easier to write programs that perform and scale well on parallel hardware."  Check it out!  There are already a plethora of ...

PLINQ changes since the MSDN Magazine article

I posted about changes we've made to the Task Parallel Library since we published the MSDN Magazine article outlining its design.  In this post, I'll do the same thing for PLINQ.  Most of the October 2007 article on PLINQ is still accurate.   After all, PLINQ is largely an implementation of the .NET Standard Query Operators...

CTP Quality

Community Technology Preview (CTP) releases from Microsoft typically provide early looks at the technologies a team is working on.  Frequently, CTP quality is nowhere near what folks might expect from Beta releases and the like, and that's ok.  The idea is to give all of you in the community a look at what we're working on, giving ...