Feb 27, 2023 4 0 The unintentionally-expanding scope of the SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX flag Raymond Chen Other suppressions caught in its net.
Feb 14, 2023 4 1 Why are the Windows chassis hardware button hotkeys so strange? Raymond Chen Operating within the constraints of the system.
Feb 7, 2023 3 0 The frustration of finding a suitable time to hold a meeting when the participants are evenly spaced around the globe Raymond Chen Somebody has to suffer, but we try to make sure it's not the same person each time.
Dec 26, 2022 10 4 The worst-selling Microsoft software product of all time: OS/2 for the Mach 20 Raymond Chen Count 'em on one hand.
Nov 8, 2022 3 2 Why is there a system sound called Asterisk? What sound does an Asterisk make anyway? Raymond Chen It's to accompany the asterisk, back when we had an asterisk.
Oct 25, 2022 8 4 Why are many Windows user interface elements positioned at multiples of 4 or 8 pixels? Raymond Chen It depends on whose pixels you're talking about.
Sep 20, 2022 8 1 Janet Jackson had the power to crash laptop computers, follow-up Raymond Chen Deeper speculation by others.
Aug 31, 2022 27 3 The x86-64 processor (aka amd64, x64): Whirlwind tour Raymond Chen Pretty much a 64-bit-ification of the i386.
Aug 30, 2022 0 1 The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 25: The ARM64EC ABI Raymond Chen Aligning with the x86-64 calling convention.
Aug 29, 2022 1 0 The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 24: Code walkthrough Raymond Chen Putting theory into practice.