November 27th, 2023

In Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, what is a “grabber”?

Twitter user @indiocolifa asked what “grabbers” were in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.

Windows 3.0 Enhanced Mode introduced the ability to run MS-DOS programs in a virtual machine. This by itself was already quite an achievement, but it didn’t stop there. It also let you put the MS-DOS session in a window, and run it on the screen along with your other Windows programs.

This was crazy.¹

Here’s how it worked.

The virtual display driver is the driver whose job it was to make each virtual machine think it had its own video card. When the program running in the virtual machine modifies video memory, the virtual display driver notifies another driver whose job it is to bridge the gap between the virtual machines and the graphical user interface. This bridge driver has a buddy application running on the Windows desktop, called WINOLDAP, one copy for each MS-DOS virtual machine.² The name WINOLDAP stands for “Window for Old Apps”, where “Window” referred to new-hotness GUI windows, and “old apps” referred to old and busted MS-DOS apps.

When WINOLDAP receives the notification that there was a change to video memory, it tells the “grabber” that the game was afoot.

Each video driver has its own grabber, short for “video frame grabber”. When called by WINOLDAP, the grabber communicates with its partner video driver to get the new video data, figure out what parts of the screen changed, and convert the raw video memory into Windows text and graphics calls in order to reproduce the contents in a GUI window. After obtaining the raw changed pages from the video driver, the grabbers try to be clever and do things like diff the previous and new screen contents to render only the parts that changed, and to convert large blank areas to simple Fill­Rect calls instead of printing a lot of space characters. They also look for ways to re-use the old screen contents: If the screen appears to have scrolled upward one line, then instead of rendering the entire contents again, it did a ScrollWindow to move the existing pixels, and then painted the single new line at the bottom. Of course, the effort to speed up rendering by minimizing the number of graphics rendering calls needs to be balanced against the extra cost of doing all the diffing and scroll detection, so there was a constant trade-off being made: The extra work you do looking for, say, scrolling optimizations, might end up costing more than it saved.

In Windows 95, I was the one responsible for the grabbers, and I made some improvements to text rendering performance, and a lot of improvements to graphics rendering performance. In particular, Windows 3.1 could not run graphical MS-DOS programs in a window, but Windows 95 could: The video driver folks were able to improve graphics virtualization, and my optimizations for graphics rendering made it possible to re-render the screen contents in real time.

Of course, if you had a low-end system, that real-time rendering might be only two frames per second, but that’s good enough for a program that changes the screen relatively infrequently anyway, such as a program for printing greeting cards. You’re not going to be playing DOOM in a windowed MS-DOS session.⁴

¹ Oh, and I should also note that this was 1990, so everything was written in assembly language.³

² We saw some time ago how that driver worked with the WINOLDAP program to feed the character-mode Alt+Tab interface.

³ Also, we didn’t have Unicode yet, so the code is littered with IFDEFs to support compiling the operating system for Western European single-byte character sets or for East Asian double-byte character sets.

⁴ Even though you wouldn’t want to play DOOM in a windowed MS-DOS session, that didn’t stop people from doing it anyway, just to show it could be done.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Piotr Gliźniewicz

    I’ve recently tested this under 95 and the results depend highly on drivers. Many will have problems and show wrong colors, especially when using anything more than VGA. I had good results with a Trio64, but still, the performance was inadequate for games.

    BTW, I’m curious, whether it’s possible on Windows 9x to run an MS-DOS application that plays music in the background. I’ve tried several options and it would only work in the foreground.

  • Yuhong Bao

    “Windows 3.1 could not run graphical MS-DOS programs in a window”
    This is not true.

    • Antonio Rodríguez

      Right. I remember running GEM 1.0 in a Window under Windows 3.1. It was possible selecting the CGA video driver, which meant that GEM ran at 640x200, in monochrome, with those hideous 1:2 pixels. And, of course, it required a screen resolution of at least 800x600. But it definitely did run.

      What Windows 95 did was to add support for EGA and VGA modes (640x200, 640x350 and 640x480 at 16 colors, and 320x200/240 at 256 colors) in windowed mode. Maybe Raymond worked on the EGA and VGA grabbers, and his recollections come from that.

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