Oct 15, 2021 0 0 What does the SizeOfImage mean in the MODULEINFO structure? Raymond Chen It's the size in terms of mapped address space when loaded.
Oct 14, 2021 1 0 Why does GetModuleInfo fail to produce an entry point for executables? Raymond Chen Because it's getting the information from the loader, who has no use for such things.
Oct 13, 2021 3 0 Local variables are different from parameters in C++ coroutines Raymond Chen You tend to think of them the same, but they destruct differently.
Oct 12, 2021 2 0 The happy hand: A puzzle about odd names in Azure DevOps Raymond Chen Who's renaming everything into something cute?
Oct 11, 2021 5 0 Is there a way that my macro can detect that it’s running in a C++ coroutine? Raymond Chen You are part of the decision.
Oct 8, 2021 0 0 What can I do about timer build-up when waiting for COM outbound calls to complete? Raymond Chen You'll have to drain them out yourself.
Oct 7, 2021 0 0 Debugging coroutine handles: The Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, clang, and gcc Raymond Chen Peeking behind the curtain.
Oct 6, 2021 4 0 Why is the main() function always at address 0x00401000 in a simple program? Raymond Chen When multiple technical decision add up, literally.
Oct 5, 2021 6 0 Not from inside the Redmond Reality Distortion Field: Microsoft Streets and Trips support for ferries Raymond Chen From somebody else's reality distortion field.
Oct 4, 2021 6 3 Some lesser-known powers of std::optional Raymond Chen Things it does that you may not know about.