October 14th, 2021

Why does GetModuleInfo fail to produce an entry point for executables?

A customer wanted to find the entry point for some executables. They tried this two-step plan:

  • Load the executable via LoadLibrary. Like, a real LoadLibrary, none of this “as datafile” stuff.
  • Call Get­Module­Information and look at the MODULE­INFO.Entry­Point

The customer found that the result is always NULL. What’s going on?

First of all, it’s not clear what the purpose of the exercise is. You can’t call the entry point, since it’s not the entry point for this process. And the entry point obtained from the current process may not match the entry point when the process is actually run as a process.

Loading an executable as a library is a pretty dodgy operation. The module can be used to load resources, but you can’t do much else with it. And if all you are after are the resources, you may as well just load it as a datafile.

What you can do is manually walk the Portable Executable header (either by seeking and reading or by using a memory-mapped file) to get the Address­Of­Entry­Point, which is a relative virtual address. You can then add that to the base address of the module (when it eventually loads) to locate the entry point.

Okay, fine. But why does Get­Module­Information return NULL for executables?

Internally, Get­Module­Information walks the loader’s internal list of loaded modules and returns the entry point from the loader entry for said module. If you load an executable via Load­Library, the entry point entry in the loader data structure will not be set.

The loader doesn’t record the entry point for executable modules because executable modules don’t receive DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH notifications. The entry point for an executable module is the process entry point, not the Dll­Main function. (The loader also doesn’t record the entry point for CLR DLLs since that entry point is a dummy function that crashes on purpose.)

Basically, the deal is that Get­Module­Information is in PSAPI.DLL, and PSAPI.DLL goes “I’m in ur process steeling ur data”. Not only does the loader have no use for entry points of EXEs and CLR DLLs, it explicitly must not call those entry points, so it sets the entry point to null to mean “Don’t call this guy.” This is a private thing inside the loader. PSAPI.DLL goes in and steals it and says “Hey check out all this good stuff I stole!” You’re basically getting grey market data.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.

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  • Yukkuri Reimu · Edited

    “Yeah I’m just gonna load this EXE into my process like it’s a DLL and run it, no biggie”