Jul 20, 2015 0 0 How can I detect whether a keyboard is attached to the computer? Raymond Chen Look at the available raw input devices.
Jul 17, 2015 1 What did the Ignore button do in Windows 3.1 when an application encountered a general protection fault? Raymond Chen Muddling through.
Jul 16, 2015 0 0 Why do I get ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE from GetModuleFileNameEx when I know the process handle is valid? Raymond Chen Because it's not complaining about the process handle.
Jul 15, 2015 0 0 Why doesn’t the Print command appear when I select 20 files and right-click? Raymond Chen So you don't kill your machine with a stray click.
Jul 13, 2015 0 0 Generating different types of timestamps from quite a long way away Raymond Chen Transforming in reverse.
Jul 10, 2015 0 0 On the various ways of creating large files in NTFS Raymond Chen To zero or not to zero.
Jul 9, 2015 0 0 Why is my x64 process getting heap address above 4GB on Windows 8? Raymond Chen Why shouldn't it?
Jul 8, 2015 0 0 What would be the point of creating a product that can’t do its job? Raymond Chen No 32-bit server products. Because what would be the point?
Jul 7, 2015 0 0 Intentionally making the suggestion look nothing like any scripting language, yet understandable enough to get the point across Raymond Chen Pseudobabble.