Showing results for March 2013 - Page 2 of 3 - The Old New Thing

Mar 19, 2013

Raymond’s highly scientific predictions for the 2013 NCAA men’s basketball tournament

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Once again, it's time for Raymond to come up with an absurd, arbitrary criterion for filling out his NCAA bracket. This year, I look at the number of fans of the basketball team's official Facebook page, or one tenth of the number of fans of the school's athletic department, whichever is greater. The fraction 1/10 is completely arbitrary, but ...

Non-ComputerHighly scientific
Mar 19, 2013

Microspeak: Science project

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A science project is a feature that is really cool and challenging from a technological standpoint but is way overkill for the end-user scenario at hand. Back in the late 1990's, a bunch of us cooked up this idea for a networked screen saver that ran at night after most people had gone home from work. You told it the physical location and compass...

Mar 18, 2013

It may be your birthday, but why stop at just the day? Think big!

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I had the pleasure of meeting a friend of a friend who is an odd, quirky sort, in a wholly endearing sort of way. When her birthday comes around, she isn't satisfied to have just one day of celebration. Or even a week. No, she takes the entire month. The entire month of March is open season for taking her to dinner, getting her a gift, or otherwise...

Mar 15, 2013

Playing with the Windows Animation Manager: Moving lots of stuff around

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

We saw last time a sample program that moved a circle around. Today I'll try to build the classic demo of animating a lot of objects in a list. This isn't the prettiest code, but I wanted to make as few changes as possible. Start with the Timer-Driven Animation, and make these changes to the Main­Window.h header file. struct Item { ...

Mar 14, 2013

Playing with the Windows Animation Manager: Fixing a sample

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Windows 7 provides a component known as the Windows Animation Manager, known to some people by its acronym WAM, pronounced "wham". There are some nice sample programs for WAM on MSDN, but for some reason, the authors of the samples decided to animate the three color components of a resultant color. Because apparently the authors of those ...

Mar 13, 2013

Closing holes in the update notification pattern

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Suppose you have a function that is registered to be called the next time something gets updated, and suppose that the notification is a one-shot notification and needs to be re-armed each time you want to wait for the next notification. (For example, the Reg­Notify­Change­Key­Value function behaves this way.) Consider the ...

Mar 12, 2013

How do I hide Public Libraries on all computers in my organization?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer wanted to know how to hide the libraries named Public (Documents), Public Pictures, and Public Videos on all computers in their organization. It turns out that this is already documented in TechNet under the topic Administrative How-to Guides (I found this page by issuing a Web search for ⟨library-ms⟩.) The customer is ...

Mar 12, 2013

Redistributing computers among offices for heating purposes

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Some time ago, I joked about the people who rearrange computers in their house during the winter in order to use them as space heaters. Turns out this happens a lot at Microsoft. One of my friends said that one of his coworkers used a small heater in her office to keep warm. On the other hand, his office always ran warm because of all the ...

Mar 11, 2013

Derive the age of the planet Jupiter from the properties of liquid hydrogen and the planet’s surface temperature

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I dreamed that my homework assignment was to derive the age of the planet Jupiter. The professor hinted that physical properties of liquid hydrogen and the current Jupiter surface temperature would be useful. My classmate Ted, on the other hand, had to extend a C++ base class to record a GUID name. The two of us were taking a class together ...

