.NET Blog

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Announcing .NET 9
Nov 12, 2024

Announcing .NET 9

.NET Team
.NET Team

Announcing the release of .NET 9, the most productive, modern, secure, intelligent, and performant release of .NET yet. With updates across ASP.NET Core, C#, .N...


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XDT (web.config) Transforms in non-web projects
Nov 17, 2010

XDT (web.config) Transforms in non-web projects

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

One of the really cool features that we shipped for Visual Studio 2010 was web.config (XDT) transformations. Because the transformations are so simple and straightforward one of the first questions that someone asks after using it is “how can I use this in my other projects?” Unfortunately this feature is only built into the Web Application Projects (WAP). But it is very easy to reuse this because we just rely on an MSBuild task to do the heavy lifting for us. I received an email from that basically went like this “Hi, I would like to use XDT transformations on my WPF project for both the app.config file as ...

Finalization Uncovered
Nov 15, 2010

Finalization Uncovered


I’ve talked about finalization before but based on seeing questions related to it it appears that it deserves some clarification.   First of all, finalization is a mechanism we provide in the CLR wheras Dispose is a programming pattern. See Clearing up some confusion over finalization and other areas in GC for an explanation why we provide finalization. Inside of the GC, it’s completely not aware of Dispose. People often call GC.SuppressFinalize in their Dispose implementation but that’s just a choice they make when they write code. I will explain exactly what GC.SuppressFinalize does in a ...

ASP.NET Web Application: Publish/Package Tokenizing Parameters
Nov 10, 2010

ASP.NET Web Application: Publish/Package Tokenizing Parameters

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

  Today I just saw a question posted on stackoverflow.com asking Why are some Web.config transforms tokenised into SetParameters.xml and others are not? Let me give some background on this topic for those who are not aware of what the question is. With Visual Studio 2010 when you package your application using the Build Deployment Package context menu option, see image below. When build the package by default the package will be created in obj{Configuration}Package{ProjectName}.zip where {Configuration} is the current build configuration, and {ProjectName} is the name of the project. So in this case I since...

How to solve JavaScript IntelliSense problems in VS2010
Nov 8, 2010

How to solve JavaScript IntelliSense problems in VS2010

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

VS2010 should support all of the VS2008 JavaScript functionalities as shown in Scott Guthrie’s VS2008 JavaScript IntelliSense blog.  It includes: 1. Basic type inference 2. IntelliSense from referenced external JavaScript libraries 3. IntelliSense from XML comments for functions, parameters and return types 4. Calling web services using ASP.NET AJAX   Additionally, VS2010 RTM had some improvement, including: 1. IntelliSense when manipulating browser objects 2. Dynamic generated variable IntelliSense 3. Default JavaScript snippets within IntelliSense to help you code faster Scott Guthrie has a ...

Web Deploy: How to see the command executed in Visual Studio during publish
Nov 3, 2010

Web Deploy: How to see the command executed in Visual Studio during publish

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

I just saw a post on Twitter asking the question    Is there any easy way to see the underlying MSBuild command when building in VS2010? Want to see the MSDeploy params. @wdeploy?One thing to know is that when you publish from Visual Studio, by default we use the MSDeploy (AKA Web Deployment Tool) Object Model in order to perform the deployment. We do this for performance and other reasons. Because of this there is no real msdeploy.exe command that is being issued. You can however change that behavior. This is controlled by an MSBuild property UseMSDeployExe which is false by default...

CLR Inside Out – New Features and Improved Performance in Silverlight 4
Nov 2, 2010

CLR Inside Out – New Features and Improved Performance in Silverlight 4

CLR Team
CLR Team

Sorry for the late notice, but October installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN Magazine is available on line. This month we have an article from Andrew Pardoe and Justin Van Patten on the move to a new CoreCLR for Silverlight 4. The article specifically covers new GC capabilities, improved startup performance, and new base class features. You can find a list of all “CLR Inside Out” articles here.

ASP.NET Web Projects: web.debug.config & web.release.config
Oct 26, 2010

ASP.NET Web Projects: web.debug.config & web.release.config

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

DIsclaimer: You may experience some in-consistent behavior using this technique. If so please let us know. I have heard a lot of questions and confusion regarding web.debug.config and web.release.config. For example here is just one question on StackOverflow. The question states: First let me explain, as I did to that question, the purpose of the files: web.config/web.debug.config/web.release.config. web.config This is the config file which developers should use locally. Ideally you should get this to be standardized. For instance you could use localhost for DB strings, and what not. You should strive for this ...

Working with different versions of AjaxControlToolkit in Visual Studio 2010
Oct 7, 2010

Working with different versions of AjaxControlToolkit in Visual Studio 2010

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

  When working with different versions of AjaxControlToolkit, Visual Studio 2010 contains some interesting improvements compared to previous versions of Visual Studio. When adding a particular version of AjaxControlToolkit controls (or other similar third-party controls) to the toolbox using the Choose Toolbox Items dialog, we now show the version number of the control that is being added. Figure 1 Once various versions of these AjaxControlToolkit (ACT) controls such as ACT 3.0 and ACT 4.0 are added to the toolbox in separate tabs (one tab per version), only the latest applicable version of the ACT c...

How to Create a Custom Item Template and Project Template
Sep 23, 2010

How to Create a Custom Item Template and Project Template

Web Development Tools Microsoft
Web Development Tools Microsoft

When you’re working on a web project, there are times you wish you could have captured all of the stuff you’re working on often and then re-use it later on, similar to code snippet. For example, if you work with JaveScript, HTML5 a lot, you would want to be able to create a new web project that already has a predefined set of jQuery library, or add a new page that already has references to the new HTML5 doctype and the jQuery libary, so you don’t have to constantly modify the page to add those in. You can achieve this by creating your own Item Template and Project Template. Recently, Rey Bango h...