.NET Blog

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ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 2

ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 2 is live! Check out Phil Haack’s blog, Haacked.com, for information on the new installer and some other general release info. The release is mostly focused on responding to customer feedback but there are some minor tooling improvements and bug fixes that are worth calling out. Tooling Improvements And ...

Preview of Code Contract Tools Now Available

We’ve mentioned Code Contracts over on the BCL Blog a few times now, but never yet on the CLR Blog.  Basically, Code Contracts are a way to add preconditions, post-conditions, and object invariants to your code.  The goal is to help you catch developer errors earlier in the cycle.  In my Introduction to Code Contracts post...

Resource Manager and .Net Interaction with ServiceControlManager

Kim Hamilton has a couple of excellent posts on the BCL Team blog. In the first post on Working with the ResourceManager, Kim talks about the basics of resource generation, constructing a ResourceManager and how resource fallback works. The post also covers debugging resource loading failures using Fusion logs, Reflector and Resview.  ...

Web Packaging: Creating web packages using MSBuild

This post is next in the series of VS 2010 articles that we have been putting together to dive into the Web Deployment improvements with VS 2010 and IIS.  I would recommend reading the the preceding posts to get an overview of all the scenarios supported: In this post I will cover web package creation using MSBuild command line.&...

VSDoc for jQuery 1.3.2 Now Available

jQuery 1.3 was released a little over a month ago.  The 1.3 release adds exciting features such as selector performance improvements, "live events" where events can be bound to both current and future elements, and more.  Version 1.3.2 was released a few days ago and fixes some bugs include one involving selector performance in IE. I...

CLR Inside Out – Isolated Storage in Silverlight 2

(image)   The March installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN magazine is now available on line.  This month we have an article from Justin Van Patten on Isolated Storage in Silverligth 2. You can find a list of all “CLR Inside Out” articles here.  As always, please let us know...

CLR Inside Out – Handling Corrupted State Exceptions

 (image) As Andrew pointed out in his recent post, the February installment of the “CLR Inside Out” column in MSDN magazine is now available on line.  This month we have an article from Andrew Pardoe on Handling Corrupted State Exceptions.You can find a list of all “CLR Inside Out” articles here. ...

Why catch(Exception)/empty catch is bad

  You’ve seen the advice before—it’s not a good programming practice to catch System.Exception. Because managed exceptions are hierarchical, catching the top of the hierarchy—e.g., catch(Exception)—is an easy way to make sure that you catch all exceptions.  But do you really want to catch all ...