.NET Blog

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.NET Core Workers in Azure Container Instances

In .NET Core 3.0 we are introducing a new type of application template called Worker Service. This template is intended to give you a starting point for writing long running services in .NET Core. In this walkthrough you'll learn how to use a Worker with Azure Container Registry anAzure Container Instances to get your Worker running as a microservice in the cloud.

Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server

In my previous blog post I talked about how to migrate data from existing on-prem SQL Server instances to Azure SQL Database. If you haven’t heard SQL Server 2008 end of support is coming this summer, so it’s a good time to evaluate moving to an Azure SQL Database. If you decide to try Azure, chances are you will not be able to ...

Migrating your existing on-prem SQL Server database to Azure SQL DB

If you are in the process of moving an existing .NET application to Azure, it’s likely you’ll have to migrate an existing, on-prem SQL database as well. There are a few different ways you can go about this, so let’s go through them. Data Migration Assistant (downtime required) The Data Migration Assistant (download | documentation) ...

Announcing an easier way to use latest certificates from Key Vault

Posting on behalf of the Key Vault Team. When we launched Azure Key Vault a few years ago, it solved a major problem users had which was that storing sensitive and/or secret information in code or config files in plain text causes multiple problems including security exposure. Users stored their secrets in a safe store like Key Vault and used...

Make the most of your monthly Azure Credits

If you weren’t aware, Visual Studio subscribers have free monthly Azure credits, that are ideal for experimenting with and learning about Azure services. When you activate this benefit, it creates a separate Azure subscription with a monthly credit balance that renews each month while you remain an active Visual Studio subscriber. If the ...

When should you right click publish

Some people say ‘friends don’t let friends right click publish’ but is that true? If they mean that there are great benefits to setting up a CI/CD workflow, that’s true and we will talk more about these benefits in just a minute. First, let’s remind ourselves that the goal isn’t always coming up with the best long-term solution. ...

Automating Release Notes with Azure Functions

We can all agree that tracking the progress of a project enhances productivity and is an effective way to keep everyone involved of its progress. When it comes to managing your project in Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) or GitHub, you have all of your artifacts in one place: code, CI/CD pipelines, releases, work items, and more. In cases where ...

Use Hybrid Connections to Incrementally Migrate Applications to the Cloud

As the software industry shifts to running software in the cloud, organizations are looking to migrate existing applications from on-premises to the cloud. Last week at Microsoft’s Ignite conference, Paul Yuknewicz and I delivered a talk focused on how to get started migrating applications to Azure (watch the talk free) where we walked ...

How to get started with Azure and .NET

Note: This content is now available as an official document Azure is a big cloud with lots of services, and for even the most experienced user it can be intimidating to know which service will best meet your needs. This blog post is intended to provide a short overview of the most common concepts and services .NET developers need get started ...

Improvements in Visual Studio 2017 15.8 for web and Azure developers

With the release of Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8 brings improvements for web developers such as custom docker image tags during publish, zip push deployment for Azure functions, managing Azure functions application settings, and enabling Application Insights as part of publishing to Azure App Service. Also learn about managing user secrets in ASP.NET framework projects, optimizing build performance for solutions containing ASP.NET frame as well as author and source information for ASP.NET Core templates.