.NET Blog

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Social Engineering

When people in our industry use the term “social engineering” they are usually referring to security attacks. Politicians and lobbyists would mean something entirely different too. But that’s not what I will talk about here. Instead, I’ll talk about the kind of social life we’ve around in our team. Why am I using ...

XDT (XML Document Transform) released on codeplex.com

In Visual Studio 2010 we introduced a simple and straight forward method of transforming web.config during publishing/packaging. This support is called XML Document Transform, aka XDT. It allows you to transform any XML file, not just web.config. To learn more about XDT check out the docs. Since we've released XDT there has been interest in ...

The Defrag Tools Channel9 series on managed memory diagnostics

Recently I did a few videos for the popular "Defrag Tools" series on Channel9. They are just talking about pretty basic things about doing managed memory investigations so I'd imagine for most of you it's something you already know. However, you can feel free to suggest things you'd like to see in the comments of these videos (or on this blog ...

Debugging ASP.NET Web API with Route Debugger

Tutorial and Tool written by Troy Dai (Twitter @troy_dai) with assistance from Rick Anderson (Twitter @RickAndMSFT) Search for “asp.net web api routing” on stackoverflow, you’ll find many questions. How exactly does Web API routing work? Why doesn’t my route work? Why is this action not invoked? Often time it is difficult to debug ...

.NET Memory Allocation Profiling with Visual Studio 2012

This post was written by Stephen Toub, a frequent contributor to the Parallel Programming in .NET blog. He shows us how Visual Studio 2012 and an attention to detail can help you discover unnecessary allocations in your app that can prevent it from achieving higher performance. Visual Studio 2012 has a wealth of valuable functionality, ...

Tutorial Series on Model Binding with ASP.NET Web Forms

I have written a tutorial series that shows how to use model binding with ASP.NET Web Forms. You might be familiar with the model binding concept from ASP.NET MVC, but with ASP.NET 4.5, model binding is now available in Web Forms applications. Model binding makes it very easy to create and maintain data-rich web pages. ...

ASP.NET MVC Facebook Birthday App

Tom Dykstra and I have published a really cool tutorial on creating a MVC FB birthday app. You can test the app out by clicking on the FB link below:https://apps.facebook.com/birthdayapp-mvc/The image below shows the birthday app.(image) Yao Huang Lin  is the principal developer for the ASP.NET MVC Facebook library and templates and he ...