Showing results for 2016 - Page 2 of 6 - Brian Harry's Blog

Sep 28, 2016

Team Services Update – Sept 28

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

This week we are rolling out our sprint 106 work.  Here are the release notes.  By now, the update has made it out to most customers and it should finish by the end of the week. Overall, sprint 106 was a modest sprint.  It has lots of nice, relatively small, improvements and nothing particularly earth shattering.  Probably the biggest thing is a ne...

VS Team Services
Sep 26, 2016


Brian Harry
Brian Harry

When you have a farm like I do, with a lot of pastures, a lot of fence lines and a lot of trees, you inevitably spend a lot of time clearing dead trees, fallen limbs, etc. from your fences and fields.  It's a never ending job.  Sometimes I collect the wood for firewood (I heat my house with that in the winter).  Sometimes I just throw it back in th...

Sep 26, 2016

Team Foundation Server "15" RC 2 available

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Today we released RC2 of TFS "15".  The key links are here: You can check out the release notes for details of what's new.  The release notes are a union of everything new in TFS 15 but you can identify changes since RC1 by looking for items tagged "New in TFS "15" RC2".  As you can tell by the length of the release notes - many, m...

Sep 12, 2016

Team Services Update – Sept 2

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Yes, I'm a bit late on this one.  I was traveling to India and Israel in early Sept and didn't have a change to post about this. A little over a week ago we deployed the sprint 105 work to Team Services.  Check out the release notes for details. We continued our journey this sprint to bring full process customization to Team Services with the abili...

VS Team Services
Aug 30, 2016

Paid extensions in the Visual Studio marketplace

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

It's hard to believe it but it's been almost a year since we introduced the Visual Studio Marketplace.  It provides a single point of entry for finding extensions for Visual Studio, VS Team Services and VS Code - and since then hundreds upon hundreds of new extensions have been published.  From day one, our vision was to enable the marketplace to b...

VS Team Services
Aug 18, 2016

New navigation for Team Services

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

In my blog post announcing TFS 15 RC1, I mentioned that we are working on a new navigation UI.  In a somewhat unusual turn of events, it showed up in an on premises preview before it showed up in the cloud.  Today we enabled the new navigation experience in Team Services, making it really easy for anyone to give it a try. This new experience is VER...

VS Team Services
Aug 18, 2016

Team Services Update – Aug 17

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I missed a few updates while I was out over the summer but, hopefully, now I'm back on my normal cadence. This week, we are deploying our sprint 104 work to VS Team Services.  It looks to me like it's a new record on number of items (defined by number of lines in the release notes) released in a sprint.  You can read the release notes for all the d...

VS Team Services
Aug 9, 2016

Pre-reqs for Team Foundation Server 15

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

A couple of aspects of this have come up on the post where I announced the TFS 15 RC1 and I thought it was worth a more explicit call out.  First some context. We have 2 release "types" for TFS - major releases (TFS 2013, TFS 2015, TFS 15, etc.) and Updates (TFS 2015 Update 1, TFS 2015 Update 2, ...).  We think about them very differently and have ...

Aug 8, 2016

TFS "15" RC1 is available

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

Today we released Team Foundation Server 15 Release Candidate 1.  This is a "go-live" release, fit for production use and supported by our support team.  You can find all the details on the following links: It's called RC1 because, yes, there will be an RC2.  I don't expect an RC3 but that will depend on the feedback that we get.  This r...

Aug 5, 2016

What I missed while I was relaxing this summer

Brian Harry
Brian Harry

I missed blogging about a ton of stuff that happened in late June and most of July while I was out.  I'm not going to try to recap is all.  You can find lots of it on the Visual Studio ALM blog or in the Team Services release notes.  I do want to highlight a few things though. Hopefully, now that I'm back, I'll be able to keep u...

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