This week we are rolling out our sprint 106 work. Here are the release notes. By now, the update has made it out to most customers and it should finish by the end of the week. Overall, sprint 106 was a modest sprint. It has lots of nice, relatively small, improvements and nothing particularly earth shattering. Probably the biggest thing is a new capability to import repos into Team Services – from anywhere Team Services can access a repo. A lot of the effort over the past couple of sprints has gone into getting TFS 15 ready and, I think, that’s showing a bit in this sprint. With RC2 out, I’m already starting to see some post TFS 15 work starting to spin up. I won’t be surprised if 107 is a “soft” sprint too but, by 108, we should start seeing some significant new stuff coming out. Stay tuned for more. Brian
September 28th, 2016
Team Services Update – Sept 28

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