Brian Harry's Blog

Everything you want to know about Azure DevOps and Farming

Build service offering from Discount ASP.NET

A couple of weeks ago Discount ASP.NET released a build service offering to go along with their hosted TFS offering.  This makes it possible for you to host even more of your development process in the cloud - a big benefit, particularly for highly distributed teams.  Check it out here:

New Visual Studio ALM Videos

Last week Esther Fan posted some great videos that can help you get the most out of VS ALM.  It covers a wide range of ALM capabilities - testing, modeling, TFS and more... Brian  ...

The Importance of Feedback in Software Development

If you follow my blog, you know that I talk a lot about collaboration and the impact it has on the success or failure of modern software projects.  In a recent post on Agile Project Management, I closed with a brief mention about feedback loops being a major initiative for us in our next release.  Here I want to expand on that a bit. Let...

New Rangers Guidance on Build Customization & Lab Management

This week, the Visual Studio Rangers released two new sets of guidance: Build Customization and Lab Management.  They are some great resources for adopting TFS build and lab management automation.  The content includes: The build customization guidance includes topics like build process customization, versioning, ...

Agile Project Management in Visual Studio ALM V.Next

When we first started designing Team Foundation Server, one of our mantras was “Your process, our process or no process”.  What we meant by this was that TFS can play an important role in helping you automate your development process.  Many teams already have a well establish process and aren’t particularly interested in ...

Looking ahead to the next version of VS Application Lifecycle Management

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about some announcements we made at TechEd on the next version of Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management.  We did a pretty good overview demo and released a white paper that gave a pretty good overview of the work we are doing.  It was not, by any means, complete.  There’s a lot of ...

TFS 2010 SP1 Cumulative Update 1 Available

Last week, we released a cumulative update for TFS 2010 SP1.  You can get it here:  The KB article is in the process of being published and should be available soon. *UPDATE* - This update prereqs SP1 and should be installed on TFS ...

Team Foundation Server Dogfooding update – May 2011

It’s been a looong time since I published a detailed look at TFS dogfooding.  I used to do them every month but then the server got so big and the reports monotonous enough that I decided to stop.  I’ve had a number of queries about it in the past few months, so I figured it was time to do an update. I’ll start by talking ...

Growing TFS databases

I’ve seen a few reports lately of TFS customers whose databases were growing very rapidly.  After investigation, it has often turned out to be that they were uploading a lot of large attachments to TFS as part of their testing process and then not cleaning them up when they were no longer needed.  Our testing tools can upload ...

TFS and Project Server resources

We’re gradually adding to the resources available to understand what you can do with Team Foundation Server and Project Server using the Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration Feature Pack to manage enterprise development projects. Here are 4 new online videos demonstrating various scenarios: Here’s ...