June 2nd, 2011

Team Foundation Server Dogfooding update – May 2011

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

It’s been a looong time since I published a detailed look at TFS dogfooding.  I used to do them every month but then the server got so big and the reports monotonous enough that I decided to stop.  I’ve had a number of queries about it in the past few months, so I figured it was time to do an update.

I’ll start by talking about DevDiv.  It’s more complicated than it used to be.  We used to just have one TFS server for all of DevDiv and I could report one set of stats.  Now we kind of have 3.  Let me explain.

In TFS 2010, we introduced Team Project Collections.  In many ways a Team Project collection is like a separate TFS server – it’s totally isolated in its own SQL database, etc.  When we (developer division) adopted TFS 2010, we decided it was time to “start fresh”.  We’d been using the same TFS server since 2004 and as these things do sometimes, it grew lint – gangly organization, extra cruft that no one actually needed, etc.  Further, we made some big performance/scale enhancements in 2010 that required database schema updates and making those update to a server as big as ours was was going to take a very long time (many many days).  So, we decided to start with a new Team Project collection and then just fault in the stuff that we needed – doing appropriate reorganization as we went – think of it as spring cleaning 🙂  Of course we still keep the old Team Project Collection around and that’s where we do all of our servicing work (service pack, hot fixes, etc) for older versions of VS.  However it’s not used nearly as much as the new collection is used (where we are doing our VNext work).  That meant we went from 1 –> 2 collections, however, both run on the same hardware so it’s still one TFS server.

The second issue, and I wrote about this some a couple of years ago, was that the DevDiv server had gotten so big and so mission critical that we had grown to be VERY conservative about updating it.  Part of dogfooding is being able to use builds that are under development but we got ourselves into the position that we couldn’t any longer due to the fact that we couldn’t risk the service interruption that bugs in intermediate builds might induce.  To address this issue, last summer, we set up a new TFS server that we affectionately call “Pioneer”.  On this server we have a relatively small portion of the overall DevDiv organization (maybe 350 people) doing their daily work.  These teams were chosen for their tolerance for possible disruption – in most cases they are people who directly or indirectly contribute code to TFS feature scenarios and are therefore willing take some risk in order to use the latest features.  We update the Pioneer server every few months.

All of this means that when I report DevDiv number, I’ll report them in 3 sets: VS VNext, VS Servicing and Pioneer.  Some things, like user count, aren’t mutually exclusive (often the same people use 2 or more of the collections) and this will result in “double counting” if you just add up the numbers.  However most things actually can be added to get a total number.

As you look at the numbers, a couple of things to keep in mind.

1) The VS Servicing database was around for a long time.  It had many people using it for many years.

2) The Pioneer database has a small subset of teams really working in it – so it’s a fraction of the DevDiv size.  Recent users doesn’t accurately reflect the proportion because it doesn’t distinguish between “light users” (someone who looks up a bug) vs heavy users (people doing checkins).

3) Pioneer is running Dev 11 pre-release bits and we have made some changes.  For instance, attachment content is now included in the file count.

Metric VS VNext Pioneer VS Servicing
Recent Users 3,295 1,712 3,368
Team Projects 8 8 75
Files 371,903,328 73,317,059 1,052,226,846
Compressed File Sizes (MB) 1,276,709 1,419,324 4,915,960
Uncompressed File Sizes (MB) 5,418,821 2,681,084 16,319,559
Checkins 244,683 90,290 2,165,020
Shelvesets 55,727 35,859 284,213
Merge History 697,220,676 107,589,634 2,485,529,669
Pending Changes 16,042,586 1,422,410 26,931,501
Workspaces 19,786 8,522 44,650
Local Copies 3,129,226,059 409,161,527 824,218,447
Users with Assigned Work Items 2,698 3,695 5,093
Total Work Items 200,517 650,238 927,419
Areas & Iterations 4,493 8,014 12,092
Work Item Versions 1,879,382 6,842,523 8,963,043
Work Item Attachments 52,542 234,074 482,249
Work Item Queries 26,602 21,448 125,445


Here’s a look at the top 10 table sizes for each of the databases:

VS V.Next

TableName Size (MB) %
tbl_Content 1329107.04 59.46%
tbl_LocalVersion 602183.99 26.94%
tbl_Version 64435.09 2.88%
tbl_PropertyValue 48772.83 2.18%
tbl_VersionedItem 43774.84 1.96%
tbl_MergeHistory 38935.34 1.74%
tbl_BuildInformationField 35031.9 1.57%
Attachments 22835.96 1.02%
tbl_BuildInformation 15014.2 0.67%
tbl_AttachmentContent 7601.68 0.34%


VS Servicing

TableName Size (MB) %
tbl_Content 5108682.9 73.17%
tbl_LocalVersion 641180.78 9.18%
Attachments 489900.24 7.02%
tbl_Version 257896.06 3.69%
tbl_VersionedItem 149325.45 2.14%
tbl_MergeHistory 141534.93 2.03%
WorkItemsWere 35543.32 0.51%
bak_versionsToUpdate 32940.14 0.47%
tbl_LabelEntry 28142.96 0.40%
tbl_PendingChange 17959.16 0.26%



TableName Size (MB) %
tbl_Content 1386480.21 88.34%
Attachments 51315.64 3.27%
tbl_LocalVersion 25392.61 1.62%
WorkItemsWere 16901.61 1.08%
WorkItemLongTexts 16634.2 1.06%
tbl_Version 12103.81 0.77%
tbl_PropertyValue 11172.32 0.71%
tbl_BuildInformationField 8953.96 0.57%
tbl_VersionedItem 8416.38 0.54%
tbl_MergeHistory 5811.37 0.37%


If we step back a bit and look at the broader adoption of TFS within Microsoft, we’ll see that it has continued to trend steadily up.

Image 8306 clip image001 thumb 48B8F7FB

Image 8484 clip image0015 thumb 4044FCD7

And here’s a simple tabular form to look at a few key metrics changing in just a few months:

Service Offering Oct 2010 Jan 2011 Growth
Instances 41 42 +1
Team Project Collections 100 145 +45
Team Projects 6,154 6,750 +596
Work Items 7,843,057 8,734,391 +913,072
Source Code Files 90,378,237 101,486,122 +11,107,885


As you can see adoption continues unabated and we are now at about 20,000 active users (people who use it every week) using the system.  DevDiv remains the biggest single instance – MSIT is broken across many instances due to the organization of their work.  We’re all ready dogfooding V.Next on Pioneer and will be looking to expand that later this year.  It’s great to see so many teams and people getting value from TFS.




Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.


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