.NET Blog

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ASP.NET Core 2.2.0-preview1: Endpoint Routing

Endpoint Routing in 2.2 What is it? We're making a big investment in routing starting in 2.2 to make it interoperate more seamlessly with middleware. For 2.2 this will start with us making a few changes to the routing model, and adding some minor features. In 3.0 the plan is to introduce a model where routing and middleware operate together ...

XDT (XML Document Transform) released on codeplex.com

In Visual Studio 2010 we introduced a simple and straight forward method of transforming web.config during publishing/packaging. This support is called XML Document Transform, aka XDT. It allows you to transform any XML file, not just web.config. To learn more about XDT check out the docs. Since we've released XDT there has been interest in ...

XDT (web.config) Transforms in non-web projects

One of the really cool features that we shipped for Visual Studio 2010 was web.config (XDT) transformations. Because the transformations are so simple and straightforward one of the first questions that someone asks after using it is “how can I use this in my other projects?” Unfortunately this feature is only built into the Web ...

Visual Studio 2010 Property Grid Filtering

Visual Studio 2010 improves .NET framework multi-targeting by applying framework-appropriate filtering to the property grid and Intellisense. For example, if you select a button on a web form of a .NET 2.0 web project, in the Property Grid you  will see: (image) If you go to the Project Properties and change the Target Framework version...

Web Deployment: Web.Config Transformation

We have earlier discussed about Web Deployment and Web Packaging quite a bit, today I wanted to dive into web.config transformation. If you would like to check out the other topics please read through the earlier blog posts below: Usually web applications go through a chain of server deployments before being finally being ...

Web Deployment with VS 2010 and IIS

Today, deploying a web application is not as easy as it should be. Whether you are deploying your web to a shared hosting environment and paying monthly to maintain it OR whether you have a web server/s managed by your enterprise, there are a lot of manual steps involved in getting your application from point A to point B. If you are ...