October 15th, 2018

Microsoft’s Developer Blogs are Getting an Update

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Update: The Premier Developer blog transition is now scheduled for early 2019 to ensure you have the best blog experience.

In the coming days, we’ll be moving our developer blogs to a new platform with a modern, clean design and powerful features that will make it easy for you to discover and share great content. This week, you’ll see the Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs move to a new URL while additional developer blogs will transition over the coming weeks.  You’ll continue to receive all the information and news from our teams, including access to all past posts. Your RSS feeds will continue to seamlessly deliver posts and any of your bookmarked links will re-direct to the new URL location.

We’d love your feedback

Our most inspirational ideas have come from this community and we want to make sure our developer blogs are exactly what you need. If you have immediate questions, check our FAQ below. If you don’t see your issue or question, please submit a bug report through our Feedback button.

devblogs feedback form

Share your thoughts about the current blog design and content by taking our Microsoft Developer Blogs survey and telling us what you think! We’d also love your suggestions for future topics that our authors could write about. Please use the Feedback button docked to the right on the blogs (as shown above) to share what kinds of information, tutorials, features, or anything you’d like to see covered in a future blog post.

Frequently Asked Questions

To see the latest questions and known issues, please see our Developer Blogs FAQ, which includes any known issues and will be updated in real time with your feedback. If you have a question, idea, or concern that isn’t listed, please click on the feedback button and tell us about it.

I have saved/bookmarked the URL to this blog. Will I need to change this?

No need to change your bookmark. All existing URLs will auto-redirect to the new site. However, if you discover a broken link, please report it through our feedback button.

Will my RSS feed still work with my feed reader to get all the latest posts?

Your RSS feed will continue to work through your current set-up. If you encounter any issues with your RSS feed, please report it through our feedback button with details about your feed reader.

Which blogs are moving?

This migration involves the majority of our Microsoft developer blogs so expect to see changes in our Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs this week. The rest will be migrated in waves over the next few weeks, starting with our most popular blogs.

See additional questions on our Developer Blogs FAQ.


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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