Showing results for PowerShell Plus - PowerShell Team

Jan 23, 2010

PowerShellHostVersion – WTF?

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Superstar Shay Levy recently wrote a blog article, Module Manifest Gotcha .  He was exploring the various options that the Module Manifest provides and saw what he thought was a problem with using the PowerShellHostVersion key. PowerShellHostVersion key Specifies the minimum version of the Windows PowerShell host program that works with the m...

SapienPowerGUIPowerShell Plus
Sep 24, 2008

PowerShellPlus Professional Edition Ships

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I’ve talked about PowerShellPlus a few times before and it was the hit of last years IT Forum talks.  Now The official version is now available from Idera at .  It is going to cost $145/user but they are offering introductory pricing of $79/user until Oct 1st. Cheers! Jeffrey Snover [MSFT] Win...

PowerShell Plus
Aug 25, 2008

PowerShellPlus V2.0

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the highlights of my IT Forum talks last year came when I had Tobias Weltner demo PowerShellPlus V1.0.  It rocked the house.  The power and thoughtfullness of the tool was very clear. Since then, Tobias has teamed up with the folks over at Idera to launch a new version of PowersShellPlus they are calling PowerShellPlus Professiona...

PowerShell Plus