Showing results for PHILOSOPHY - PowerShell Team

Jan 26, 2009

Design of Script Friendly APIs, lessons from $psISE

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Cmdlets are high level, task-oriented abstractions.  The implementation of cmdlets can talk to anything:  Web services, COM objects, WMI objects, .NET objects – anything.   Depending upon how developers design their API, they can make it easier or harder to write cmdlets.  Now that you can write cmdlets in PowerShell itself...

Jan 19, 2009

Why Should I Test With PowerShell?

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Today, on our internal discussion list, someone asked if there were any advantages to testing with PowerShell versus testing with C#. I was able to come up with 10 quick reasons to test with PowerShell: I hope these reasons help convince other software testers to use PowerShell. It can really make testing...

Feb 10, 2008

The Semantic Gap

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

There are 2 worlds: The difference between these two is what is called the semantic gap.  Our industry has been struggling with the semantic gap for decades.  An excellent example of the semantic gap is provided by the TechProsaic blog entry:  VMWare Perl Toolkit verses Powershell V1 ToolKit which shows the 20 lines of P...

Jul 2, 2007

Cmdlets vs. APIs

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Some people have asked the question, "Why Cmdlets?". If you already have a reasonable API, what is the value in writing Cmdlets? I'll provide a quick answer here but we should probably include a good write up of this in our documentation. The most important thing to realize about cmdlets is that it is all about mindset and attitude. The mindset of...

Jun 17, 2007

Using a DSL to generate XML in PowerShell

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

A while back, Jeffrey posted an article on how to use string expansion and XML casts to build XML documents in-line in a PowerShell script: The overall feel of the approach that Jeffrey described is very much like that of ASP, JSP, PHP on any of th...

Dec 28, 2006

Editing your Profile file

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

$hay has a new scripting blog at .  His first blog entry Restart your engine - The PowerShell Way, talks about how he frequently edits his PowerShell profile file and then restarts his session.  In his directions he says: 2: type: Notepad $profile to open your profile file I looked at this and thou...

Aug 1, 2006

Encoding Operations Knowledge

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the primary goals of Windows PowerShell is to encode operations knowledge.   Consider the example of finding out what domain role a computer plays.  If you look at the WMI class WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEM, you'll see that it tells you this information:   PS> Get-WMiObject Win32_computerSystem |fl dom*Domain  &...

Jun 24, 2006

BaseName for FileInfo objects

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

<Edited to add categories>In our active, responsive, and useful newsgroup Microsoft.Public.Windows.PowerShell (SELL SELL SELL :-) ),  MVP Alex Angelopoulos recented posted the following: Although file extension changing is a common technique in administrative tasks, the System.IO.FileInfo class does not provide a direct Basename pr...

Jun 24, 2006

Managing Active Directory with Windows PowerShell

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

MOW is now posting the details of his Managing Active Directory with Windows PowerShell demo that he performed at my TechEd talk.  This is worthwhile for everyone to review.  For the people at the talk, we covered a huge amount of data in a very short time so it would be worth while to walk through the details.  For everyone els...

Jun 23, 2006

Flexible pipelining with ScriptBlock Parameters

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PSMDTAG:FAQ: How can I pipeline data to a parameter which does not accept pipeline input?PSMDTAG:FAQ: What are ScriptBlock Parameters? One of the foundation concepts of Windows PowerShell is pipelining objects instead of text.  What happens is that when an upstream command generates an object, the PowerShell engine examines the data requiremen...