Showing results for CTP3 - PowerShell Team

Dec 24, 2008


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

If you're like me, you've got a browser favorites folder that is full of wonderful PowerShell code snippets. Ideally, it would be great to have a way to bring those favorite snippets into PowerShell so that my favorites folder becomes a code library. Doing this presents several challenges. The first (and easiest to solve) is getting the web page t...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsResolve-ShortcutFile
Dec 24, 2008


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

On my personal blog (Media And Microcode), I've been posting a series called "Scripting the Web", which introduced a function called Get-MarkupTag. Get-MarkupTag is a very handy little function that coerces individual tag elements of a web page into HTML, so you can scrape data from a webpage. I've updated Get-MarkupTag a tiny bit for CT...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsGet-MarkupTag
Dec 23, 2008

Advanced Functions and Test-LeapYear.ps1

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Welcome to CTP3!  There are just an amazing amount of really important features in V2 but the one I want everyone to start using ASAP is Advanced Functions.  In CTP2 we called this cmdlets.  We dropped that term in favor of taking the idea of a FUNCTION and just making it more and more capable.  It is a bit of a misnomer in that...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsTest-Leapyear
Dec 23, 2008

More Advanced Functions – Get-Assembly and Get-ExportedType

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Tyson Kopczynski has just published a great article Fun with PowerShell 2.0 Eventing!  That inspired to to write a script to automatically backup my modules directory.  I'm doing a lot of scripting this week and I don't want to lose my work if I make a mistake.  I thought I would write a scripting using PowerShell 2.0 Eventing to wat...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsGet-Assembly
Dec 23, 2008

PowerShell V2: ParameterSets

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

One of the great benefits of PowerShell V2 Advanced Functions is the ease in which you can support parametersets.  ParameterSets are, well, different SETS of valid parameters.  For instance you can say: Get-Process -id 0 Get-Process -Name *ss Those are 2 different parametersets for the Get-Process cmdlet.  Here is an example of how...

CTP3Advanced Functions
Dec 23, 2008

Windows PowerShell CTP2 to CTP3 Conversion Guide

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I write a lot of scripts, and, since I blog some of what I write, my home computer has been running Windows PowerShell CTP2 since it came out.  Since CTP3 has a number of changes from CTP2, I've got to update my home script library to work with CTP3.  While this guide might not have every change that happened in between CTP2 and CTP3 (bec...

CTP3PowerShell V2Modules
Dec 23, 2008

Dreaming In PowerShell V2 : Lottery Numbers with Get-Random

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Tobias Weltner writes a blog called Dreaming In PowerShell, and he recently posted a way to get a list of unique lottery numbers with PowerShell.  Dreaming In PowerShell is a cool blog, and the post is interesting, but it makes an assertion that's no longer true in V2.  He uses System.Random to create the random numbers because he asserts...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsGet-Random
Oct 17, 2008


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I was writing a demo yesterday and needed a quick and dirty way to generate some XML so I wrote the function below.  This highlights a couple of changes that are coming up in CTP3 that I thought I would preview. 1) The keyword "cmdlet" is going away and we'll just have "function".  Notice that now you can sp...

CTP3Advanced FunctionsEmit-Xml