December 24th, 2008


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

If you’re like me, you’ve got a browser favorites folder that is full of wonderful PowerShell code snippets. Ideally, it would be great to have a way to bring those favorite snippets into PowerShell so that my favorites folder becomes a code library.

Doing this presents several challenges. The first (and easiest to solve) is getting the web page the shortcut points to out of the .url file.

.url files are in the same sort of format as .ini files (each line has a property name, and =, and the value). So to get the url out of a shortcut file, I simply had to Get-Content on the file, pipe it to Where-Object, look for the start marker (url=), and get everything after that marker.

I decided to write this as an advanced function in CTP3, because I can make the parameters work well both with tab completed local files (e.g. .\MyShortcut.url) and with files passed in from Get-ChildItem. Making this happen is incredibly straightforward because of how ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName works with aliases. In the output of Get-ChildItem, the Fullname property will have full file name for me to use. Since I believe fullname is less intuitive than filename (and I’m trying to show some cool CTP3 scripting tricks), I’ve named my parameter and given it an alias of FullName. This means that items that are piped in with a property named either filename or fullname will populate $filename with the full path to the file.

Here’s a parameter signature that will accept both Resolve-Shortcut .\MyShortcut.url and Get-ChildItem -recurse | Resolve-Shortcut:

[Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true,
Position = 0)]

And here is Resolve-ShortcutFile:


Resolves an Internet shortcut file to the web site the shortcut references


Resolve-ShortcutFile [[-fileName] [<String>]] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction [<ActionPreference>]] [-WarningAction [<ActionPreference>]] [-ErrorVariable [<String>]] [-WarningVariable [<String>]] [-OutVariable [<String>]] [-OutBuffer [<Int32>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description:

Parses an Internet shortcut file and returns a property bag containing the
shortcut file and the URL it resolves to.


    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

# Resolves every shortcut in your favorites directory
Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $env:UserProfile Favorites) -Recurse | Resolve-ShortcutFile

Command Parameters:

Name Description
fileName The shortcut file name. Aliased to FullName so that it works well with the output of Get-ChildItem.

Here’s Resolve-ShortcutFile:

function Resolve-ShortcutFile {
        Resolves an Internet shortcut file to the web site the shortcut references
        Parses an Internet shortcut file and returns a property bag containing the
        shortcut file and the URL it resolves to.
    .Parameter fileName
        The shortcut file name.  Aliased to FullName so that it works well with the output of Get-ChildItem.
        # Resolves every shortcut in your favorites directory
        Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $env:UserProfile Favorites) -Recurse | Resolve-ShortcutFile
        Position = 0)]
process {

        if ($fileName -like "*.url") {
            Get-Content $fileName | Where-Object {
                $_ -like "url=*"
            } |
            Select-Object @{
                Expression = {Get-Item $fileName}
            }, @{
                Expression = {$_.Substring($_.IndexOf("=") + 1 )}               


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PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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