PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Don't forget your GETs – The importance of naming consistency

PowerShell and SMO are getting together like chocolate and peanut butter.  Yesterday I blogged about Bob Beauchemin's TechEd talk about the today and today I see Dan Sullivan's PowerSMO blog entry: http://pluralsight.com/blogs/dan/archive/2006/11/07/41936.aspx .   Dan includes the scripts he used in a ZIP file so you ...

Day 1: TechEd Developers in Barcelona

I'm finally here at day one of TechEd Developers in Barcelona.  The trip from Seattle is long and hard.  So long and hard that my bags couldn't make it.  They decided to hang out in Coppenhagen for a while.  That explains why I'm walking around looking like Don Johnson (if you are too young to remember Miami Vice...

Working With Text and Files in Windows PowerShell (Part 3)

ScriptCenter has a couple chapters of Bruce Payette's awesome book:  Windows PowerShell in Action.  You can (and should) read part 3 of chapter 10 at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/winpsh/payette3.mspx Part 3 focuses on XML processing.  If you've ever been coding XML and thought to yourself...

-ErrorAction and -ErrorVariable

Let me take a minute to tell you about 2 of my favorite things in Windows PowerShell:  -ErrorAction and –ErrorVariable You may have heard me talk about being maniacal about doing a great job with error handling ... this is one the cornerstones of our architecture. Here is the background:  Cmdlets are implemented by ...

PowerShell Month Begins!!!!

Windows PowerShell Scripting Contest on TechNet ScriptCenter (Nov 1 – Dec 15 2006)   Want a chance to win one of over 150 prizes, including one of two, all-expenses paid trips to Redmond, WA to meet the Windows PowerShell team? Or maybe one of 12 Xbox 360 Core gaming machines? Or one of the dozens of prizes provided by PowerGadgets or ...

Power and Pith

In our newsgroup, Benny asked the question, “How to get subdir items with full path name?” ClaudioG64 responded: PS> get-childitem C:\ | foreach-object -process { $_.FullName } Dreeschkind replied that we had pithier ways of doing it posting: PS> gci C:\ | % { $_.FullName } It was at this point that I realized that many of you ...

Turning the dial to 11 with Custom TypeConverters

If you are the sort of bloke that likes to turn the dial to 11, you should check out Abhishek's recent blog entry on Custom TypeConverters: http://abhishek225.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!13469C7B7CE6E911!191.entry Much of the power of Windows PowerShell comes from the type coercion capabilities of our ObjectFlow engine.  This is ...

Windows PowerShell Font Customization

Windows PowerShell Font Customization   <Today we have a guest blog entry from another team in Microsoft> There’s a new set of fonts that have been developed and released this year bundled with the betas for the new Windows and Office.  These 6 fonts are collectively called The Microsoft ClearType Font Collection.  ...