PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 10 Release

In this blog post we are excited to share: PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview Updates PowerShellGet 3.0 preview 10 is now available on the PowerShell Gallery. This blog post will cover all of the feature updates since we last published a blog post ( preview 6). These versions include completed functionality for updating PSResources, ...

PSScriptAnalyzer 1.19.1

PSScriptAnalyzer 1.19.1 is now available on the PowerShell Gallery. This minor update fixes a few user-reported bugs and introduces a new rule (which is disabled by default) for avoiding using double quotes for constant strings. To install this version of the module, open any PowerShell console and run:  New Rule ...

PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 6 Release

Since our last blog post we have released two preview versions (previews 4 and 6) of the PowerShellGet 3.0 module. These releases have introduced publish functionality, repository wildcard search, and fixed error handling when a repository is not accessible in Find-PSResource. Note that preview 5 was unlisted due to a packaging error ...

Native Commands in PowerShell – A New Approach

In this two part blog post I'm going to investigate how PowerShell can take better advantage of native executables. In the first post, I'm going to discuss a few of the ways that PowerShell can better incorporate native executables into our object oriented world and how we can use these tools to better fit into our model of more discrete ...

Resolving PowerShell Module Assembly Dependency Conflicts

When writing a PowerShell module, especially a binary module (i.e. one written in a language like C# and loaded into PowerShell as an assembly/DLL), it's natural to take dependencies on other packages or libraries to provide functionality. Taking dependencies on other libraries is usually desirable for code reuse. However, PowerShell always...

PowerShell Team May 2020 Update

Previously, I published a blog on our investments plans during the PowerShell 7.1 release timeframe. We've made progress across many of those investments with more work ahead of us. PowerShell 7.1 preview 3 We are now able to ship simultaneously with each new .NET 5 preview release! This means that you can start leveraging new ...