PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Announcing PowerShell 7.1

We're proud to announce the release of PowerShell 7.1, the latest major update to PowerShell 7. This release includes a number of improvements and fixes that build on top of the PowerShell 7.0 release in March and the recent GA release of .NET 5. Since then, the PowerShell Team (and many of you, our community contributors, thank you!) have...

Announcing PSReadLine 2.1+ with Predictive IntelliSense

Tab completion has accelerated the success of new and experienced PowerShell users for over a decade. New users get the benefit of discovery, seeing available cmdlets and parameters as options while interactively typing. Experienced users receive the benefit of acceleration, typing less while using the Tab key to quickly complete a ...

SecretManagement and SecretStore Updates

Two updated preview releases are now available on the PowerShell Gallery: Before installing these modules please uninstall the current preview versions of the modules and restart your PowerShell session. To install these updates run the following commands: SecretManagement Preview 5 Updates This update to ...

PowerShell Working Groups

Since we open sourced PowerShell in 2016, PowerShell has been an immensely popular project on GitHub. Every year, 700-1000 PRs and 1300-1500 issues are submitted to the PowerShell repo, with roughly half of the PRs and 90% of the issues filed from the community. We realize that some of these issues and PRs have been piling up and, as ...

SecretManagement and SecretStore Updates

Two updated preview releases are now available on the PowerShell Gallery: Please note that these preview releases contain breaking changes. This version of SecretStore is incompatible with previous versions because the configuration format has changed. The previous file store cannot be read by the new version and you will need to ...

SecretManagement Preview 3

We are excited to announce two modules are now available on the PowerShell Gallery: To install the modules and register the SecretStore vault, open any PowerShell console and run: NOTE: This version of the module has a major breaking changing, if you have used past preview versions of the SecretManagement module, secrets ...