PowerShell Team

PowerShell Team, PowerShell

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.

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PowerShell Training is now available!

I was delighted to discover that DesktopEngineer.Com is now offering Windows PowerShell training: http://desktopengineer.com/ps310 .  This is the first (and therefore BEST :-) ) commercial training available for PowerShell (formally known as Monad).  I consider this a huge milestone for the project.  One of my core beliefs...

RC1 Update Available

After releasing RC1, internal testing discovered two issues that we feel warrant an update to our RC1: If you’ve already installed the release candidate, please uninstall it, reboot, and install the updated version.  The updated version is available on the Download Center, as before: X86 Windows PowerShell latest build: http://go....

PowerShell announcement/demo available on the Web

You can now view Bob Muglia's MMS keynote address on the Web at:  http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/events/mgmtsummit/material.mspx .  Starting around minut 29:00, he makes the PowerShell announcement and brings superstar Vivek Sharma on stage to demo Exchange 2007 and PowerShell.  This is a great demo so if you haven't ...

em dash, en dash, dash, dash, dash…

Some people have noticed that you can paste examples out of Word documents directly into a PowerShell session. Given all of the typographic tricks that Word does, this is actually much harder than it sounds. Here’s what we do. There's a piece of code in the interpreter that takes each of the possible characters and maps it into the ...

Chewy WMI example

MOW has done it again with an excellent example of a PowerShell script which does some chewy WMI processing and takes advantage of the PowerShell capabilities.   http://mow001.blogspot.com/2006/05/powershell-export-shares-and-security.html Quite a few of the current WMI examples are really trivial VBScripts using PowerShell ...

How PowerShell Formatting and Outputting REALLY works

<WIZARD WARNING> Dreeschkind posted a question in the Microsoft.Public.Windows.Server.Scripting newsgroup about how PowerShell formatting worked with Select.  He saw some behavior that he thought was a bug.  Here is what he saw: PoSh C:\>gps | sort starttime | select name,starttimeSort-Object : Exception getting "StartTime...

Use of Wildcards in PowerShell Formating

MMS in San Diego was a great conference!  I met lots of customers that asked lots of great questions.  I was demonstrating PowerShell's WMI support when a customer asked about controlling the output.  The problem was that PowerShell was showing all the WMI System properties as well as the Object properties and that this wasn't ...

PowerShell interview on Tom's Hardware

Check out the interview that Scott Ottaway and I did with Scott Fulton of Tom's Hardware:  http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/04/25/powershell_windows_command_line_to_ship_q4/ Tom's has consistently been a source of good information about this project - going beyond the cut-n-copy herd to ask interesting questions and forming their own opinion.&...

Bruce Payette is writing a book: PowerShell in Action

Superstar Bruce Payette is writing a book focused on the whats and whys of the language called PowerShell in Action.  Bruce is the dev lead on the language and is a walking encyclopedia of computer languages.  I have the honor of being a technical reviewer of the book and it has me jumping out of my chair with excitement (seriously, ...

IDE for PowerShell and a new book

PowerShell is a great interactive shell and a great scripting language.  That said, the feedback from the scripting community has been very clear: they want/need a PowerShell Scripting IDE.  As such, I was very happy to finally have something to say about this at my MMS talks this week.  I was able to show an Alpha version...