ScriptAnalyzer v1.2.0 Released

Since the early days of PowerShell 1.0, the PowerShell Team has been using Connect to manage customer feedback, feature requests, and bug reports, enabling us to have a continued pulse on the needs of the PowerShell community. However, in responding to your feedback, we also realize that Connect is starting to show its age and that our cloud cadenc...
The PowerShell team is excited to make its first release of our test code on GitHub. This project represents a selection of tests that the PowerShell team uses when testing PowerShell. In the more than 12 years of active development on PowerShell, we have created (and continue to use) many different script based test frameworks. As part of an effor...
We would like to share with you a summary of changes which happened in DSC Resource Kit over last few weeks. Since we’ve posted about the updates here last time, we’ve accepted 38 pull requests, closed 33 issues, updated 7 modules and added 4 new resources! Two resources were added to xNetworking module (xDNSConnectionSuffix and xNetCo...
For a while now, we've been thinking about how to better incorporate the community into the PowerShell language design process. We believe this would improve PowerShell by: A Request for Comments (RFC) is a type of document used broadly in the industry, in...
Today I am very happy to announce Developer Preview releases of two new projects that I hope will take your PowerShell development experience to the next level. Write and debug PowerShell scripts in Visual Studio Code! The first release is a new extension for Visual Studio Code which provides improved PowerShell language support including Intelli...
One thing that’s a mixed blessing in the world of automation is how often people freely share snippets of code that you can copy and paste to make things work. Sometimes, this is a snippet of code / functionality that would have been hard or impossible to write yourself, and saves the day. Sometimes, this is a snippet that changes some configurati...
NOTE: For information on OS support, and other features, please refer to our release history. Today we retired versions 1.0 to 2.3 of the Azure DSC Extension. These versions use preview versions of WMF 5.0 whose signing certificates have expired, so it is no longer possible to install them. If any of these versions are already installed on your ...
You may be wondering what’s happening in the area of DSC Resource Kit and if that’s the case, read on. Over the last month we’ve accepted 47 pull requests, fixed 16 issues, updated 9 modules and added 5 new resources! The new resources are xExchMaintenanceMode, xExchMailboxServer, xExchTransportService and xExchEventLogLevel in th...
NOTE: For information on OS support, and other features, please refer to our release history. Overview Today, we released version 2.8 of the Azure DSC Extension, we added support to map downloads of the extension dependencies to your own location. This could be useful, if you want to configure the network, of a VM not to allow direct access t...