Showing results for November 2007 - Page 2 of 3 - PowerShell Team

Nov 14, 2007

IT-Forum: Mgt308 Managing Systems with PowerShell – PDF

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I'm doing this as seperate posts because I'm having trouble doing it as a single ZIP file.  Attached is a PDF of my presentation. Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:  ...

Nov 13, 2007

IT-Forum: Mgt308 Managing Systems with PowerShell – PPT

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Attached is my presentation. Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at: MGT308 Managing Systems with PowerShell.ppt...

Nov 13, 2007

SQL Server Support for PowerShell!

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Finally the information is public!!! You can't image how difficult it has been to know this information but not be able to tell anyone. It's so cool you just want to stop people on the street and tell them. Check out this eweek article: Microsoft Releases Another SQL Server 2008 CTP. In it is the following: "SQL Server 2008 running on Windows ...

Nov 13, 2007

-Name in Get-XXX Cmdlets

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I just saw a cool article by Don Brown who has written a set of SMS Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell. These work with SMS 2003 and are well worth a look-see if you are an SMS customer. (Btw – I wrote Get-XXX to mean GET-(any nounname) but now that I look at it, it looks like a cmdlet to get hardcore porn – YIKES!! I can only guess at what the ...

Nov 13, 2007

Notes for My TechEd Talk

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

If you are interested in my presentation: TECHED: What's New for Developers in PowerShell V2, you might be interested in this BLOG ENTRY by Sebastien Lambla over on . He took very good notes during my session and posted them there. Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows ...

Nov 8, 2007

TECHED: What’s New for Developers in PowerShell V2

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Attached is the Deck I just presented at TechEd. I've provided it in PPT and PDF formats Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]Windows Management Partner ArchitectVisit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:

Nov 8, 2007


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Below is the content of the Update-GAC.ps1 script that I run whenever I install a new version of PowerShell. Our installation is supposed to ngen the assemblies in the background. If that works, it doesn't work fast enough for me. Also I've seen lots of examples where people run this script long after their install and things get a TON faster so...

Nov 8, 2007

CTP: Get-AliasSuggestion Rewritten to us CTP functions

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I'm really enjoying the book Windows PowerShell Cookbook by Lee Holmes. It has lots of neat scripts. I decided to grab one and re-write it to highlight some of the features in the PowerShell V2 CTP. Below is the content for Get-AliasSuggestion.PS1 #requires -Version 2# Name: Get-AliasSuggestion# Author: Jeffrey Snover # Derived From: Lee ...

Nov 7, 2007

Check it out: Out-vCard

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Check out Dmitry Sotnikov's blog Out-vCard: Exporting Outlook Address Book. It lets you do things like: Get-QADGroupMember DL.ProjectA | Out-vCard To create a Vcard file for every member of a distribution list. This made my day (and I was already having a great day!). That said – this script BEGS to be rewritten using a HERE-STRING. If you ...

Nov 7, 2007

PowerShell V2 Book Available!

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The PowerShell ecosystem is once again proving itself to be super smart and agile. Superstar's Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks are once again demonstrating why they are MVPs for PowerShell. On Nov 12th, they (and Sapien Press) will release an electronic version of Windows PowerShell TFM, the 3rd edition that covers our CTP functions! That's right...
