November 13th, 2007

-Name in Get-XXX Cmdlets

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

I just saw a cool article by Don Brown who has written a set of SMS Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell. These work with SMS 2003 and are well worth a look-see if you are an SMS customer. (Btw – I wrote Get-XXX to mean GET-(any nounname) but now that I look at it, it looks like a cmdlet to get hardcore porn – YIKES!! I can only guess at what the parameters to such a command would be. J ) While Don has published a relatively small set of initial cmdlets:

  • Disable-SoftwareDistribution
  • Enable-SoftwareDistribution
  • Get-CollectionMembers
  • Get-Collections
  • Get-SMSServerConnections
  • Verb-Noun    (Practice I guess)

It is a good start and may be something the community wants to create a community source project around at . (hint hint hint).

As I looked at the examples I saw a couple style things I would point out. First one should be obvious to all PowerShell users: Get-Collections/Get-ColllectionMembers. What are the chances that this is going to collide with something else in the future? Said another way, what are the chances that SMS is the only provider of “Collections”? Clearly this and all the other commands should follow the example of Get-SMSServerConnections and put SMS in the noun name.

I should point out a couple of things.

  1. As PowerShell, we’ll use the characters “PS” in front of our noun names.
  2. We will use generic noun names whenever we provide an extension point. For example, in our V2 CTP, we have xxx-PSjobs. If we turn this into an extensible framework for interacting with JOBs from a variety of sources, we’ll use the generic noun and rename these to xxx-JOBs.

The one example that really caused me to write this post was:

Get-SMSServerConnection -server MYSMSSERVER | Get-Collections | where-object {$_.Name -eq “Windows Server 2003 Systems”} | Get-CollectionMembers | Disable-SoftwareDistribution


I’ve recently seen a number of cmdlets that do this pattern:

Get-XXX | where {$_.Name –match “xxx”

I’d like to assert that selecting things by name (or ID) is a rockbed concept of GET and as such:

  1. Get Cmdlets should support –NAME and/or –ID.
  2. This should be a positional parameter so that people don’t have to specify –NAME. e.g.: Get-XXX xxxxx
  3. Naming should support wildcards. E.g. Get-XXX Win*systems

I know that this will cause developers to spend more time on their Get Cmdlets but the improvement in User Experience will make this a very worthwhile investment.

As a community of users – you should work with your vendors to stress these 2 points when you see their demos and try out their Betas. At the end of the day, your wallet has much more power than my blog. J

Let me also declare that PowerShell is not without blame on either of this points. Kenneth Hansen and I had dinner the other night and were bemoaning the fact that our Get-EventLog cmdlet did not support –Index (which is the ID of a particular event message). There are also a few examples where we should have used “PS” in our noun names and didn’t. Apologizes for these shortcomings.

Don – thanks for this great article! I think you might have started something.

Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows Management Partner Architect
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PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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