Showing results for June 2007 - PowerShell Team

Jun 29, 2007

No PowerShell at LISA

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

If you were thinking about attending a PowerShell talk at LISA (Large Installation System Administration conference), the answer is NO. Someone suggested that the attendee's of this conference would love a PowerShell talk so I submitted my Monad Manifesto as a draft with the thinking was that I would bring that paper up to date, provide more detail...

Jun 29, 2007

Free PowerGadgets

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

That got your attention didn't it? The guys over at PowerGadgets have introduced a PowerGadgets MVP Program. It sounds like it is modeled a bit after the Microsoft MVP program where if you are influential within the community, you get treated really nice (read free software). They are making the program available to IT pros, software vendors, UG l...

Jun 28, 2007

Do You Really Want To Use –EQ?

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

Sebastien posted a cool simple script HERE which effectively does a reverse lookup on aliases. Here is the code: function Get-AliasShortcut([string]$CommandName) { ls Alias: | ?{ $_.Definition -eq $CommandName } } Set-Alias gas Get-AliasShortcut Notice that he used –EQ. Whenever you find yourself using –EQ, ask yourself if that is really want...

Jun 28, 2007

Heterogeneous Job Scheduling With PowerShell

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

JAMS (Job Access & Management System) is a commercial software product that provides job scheduling for Windows, OpenVMS, UNIX and Linux systems. It now provides full PowerShell support. What does that mean? They say that they support PowerShell in three ways: JAMS-specific PowerShell host to tightly control scripts under JAMs. I don't know what t...

Jun 28, 2007

Heterogeneous Job Scheduling With PowerShell

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

JAMS (Job Access & Management System) is a commercial software product that provides job scheduling for Windows, OpenVMS, UNIX and Linux systems. It now provides full PowerShell support. What does that mean? They say that they support PowerShell in three ways: JAMS-specific PowerShell host to tightly control scripts under JAMs. I don't know what t...

Jun 28, 2007

Partying with Join-Path

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

Did you realize that you can Join-Path can work on multiple items? PS> Get-Help Join-Path -parameter *path -path Specifies the main path (or paths) to which the child-path is appended. Wildcards are permitted. The value of Path determines which provider joins the paths and adds th e path delimiters. The Path parameter is required, althou...

Jun 27, 2007

Hosting Windows PowerShell Part 2 of 3

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

David Aiken is at it again. In his latest segment of the DFO show – Hosting Windows PowerShell Part 2, he converts the code he produced in Part 1 to use strong types by casting the PSObject.BaseObject. From there, he add the ability to select one the SERVICEs he displays and then to Stop it using the Stop-Service cmdlet. In Part 1, he showed how yo...

Jun 26, 2007

Surfing the Web the PowerShell Way

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

I spend a lot of my time in the command line (surprised?). That said, I also spend a lot of time surfing the web. Here is a script that I wrote that lets me surf the web from PowerShell: UrlTemplateMap = @{ "bs" = "{0}&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d" "dr" = "" "gtr" = "

Jun 26, 2007

Why Isn’t PowerShell.exe Authenticode Signed?

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

This question came up on our internal forum last week, and Jeffrey, knowing of my sharp wit and keen hand for prose, asked me to blog about the answer. So here goes: It is Authenticode signed. Just in a special way. The Windows PowerShell update packages each contain a catalog (.cat) file, which has a list of files in the package and a hash of ...

Jun 24, 2007

VBScript -> PowerShell

Steve Lee
Steve Lee

Are you a VBscripter in the process of becoming a PowerShell scripter? Once you become a PowerShell scripter, you'll find incredible gains in productivity but first you have to becoming a PowerShell scripter. There are a few things that can help. First and foremost is PowerShell's interactive nature. This allows you to quickly and easily experiment...