JAMS (Job Access & Management System) is a commercial software product that provides job scheduling for Windows, OpenVMS, UNIX and Linux systems. It now provides full PowerShell support. What does that mean? They say that they support PowerShell in three ways: JAMS-specific PowerShell host to tightly control scripts under JAMs. I don’t know what they are doing specifically but it makes sense that a job scheduler could provide a lot more control over the execution if it hosted the PowerShell engine directly. JAMS commands to control QUEUES, ENTRYs, VARIABLES, TRIGGERS, TIMEs etc. They did a good job adhering to the Verb naming guidelines. PowerShell Provider to JAMS. You can CD into a JAMS drive pointed to a remote heterogeneous machine and examine (and manage?) all the objects on that system. From the few examples on their website, it looks like they crafted their output objects according to best practices as well (but it is hard to see). Check out their web site HERE for details. I would REALLY love it if they would post a video demo of this stuff working. I would especially like to see the interaction between their Provider and their Cmdlets. On the other hand, I see that you can download a developer’s edition free so maybe I’ll give that a try. Cheers. Jeffrey Snover [MSFT] Windows Management Partner Architect Visit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShell Visit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.
June 28th, 2007
Heterogeneous Job Scheduling With PowerShell

Principal Software Engineer Manager

Principal Software Engineer Manager
Principal Software Engineer Manager PowerShell 7, PowerShellGet, PSScriptAnalyzer, VSCode-PowerShell extension, PowerShellEditorServices, etc...