.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

Webcasts on Parallelism from France

A few months back, Keith Yedlin and Steve Teixeira from the Parallel Computing Platform team were in France visiting with customers.  While there, they presented on our parallelism efforts, and with the help of the great team from Microsoft France, this presentation is now available online as a series of webcasts (the titles are all in ...

Feedback requested: Enumerating Concurrent Collections

The June 2008 CTP of Parallel Extensions contained a first look at some of the work we're doing to augment the .NET Framework with a set of additional coordination data structures that aid in the development of highly concurrent applications.  This included two thread-safe collections, ConcurrentQueue<T> and ConcurrentStack<T>...


Parallel Extensions includes the System.Threading.Parallel class, which provides several high-level loop replacement constructs like For and ForEach. In previous blog posts, we've taken a look at implementing other loops, such as for loops with arbitrary initialization, conditional, and update logic, range-based loops, and a parallel while.&...

Feedback requested: TaskManager shutdown, Fair scheduling

One of the primary reasons we've released CTPs of Parallel Extensions is to solicit feedback on the design and functionality it provides.  Does it provide all of the APIs you need to get your job done?  Are there scenarios you wished the APIs supported and that you need to work around in klunky ways?  And so forth.  We've ...

Useful Abstractions Enabled with ContinueWith

In the June 2008 CTP of Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework, we introduced the ContinueWith method on both Task and Future<T>.  ContinueWith is, in effect, a callback, very much like events in .NET.  With events, a causal action results in the event being raised, which by default triggers all of the delegates registered ...

PLINQ Ordering

There is a natural tension between ordering and performance in a parallel partitioning system such as PLINQ, which we addressed as guidance in the Dec07 CTP documentation:  “Although you can opt into ordering, this does come at a cost to performance because it constrains the options which PLINQ can use for executing a query, so it ...