The Old New Thing

The posted message queue vs the input queue vs the message queue

There are multiple ways of viewing the interaction between posted messages and input messages. MSDN prefers to view posted messages and input messages as part of one giant pool of messages in a message queue, with rules about which ones get processed first. I, on the other hand, prefer to think of posted messages and input messages as ...

What’s the point of SecureZeroMemory?

The function zeroes out memory in a way that the compiler will not optimize out. But what's the point of doing that? Does it really make the application more secure? I mean, sure the data could go into the swap file or hibernation file, but you need to have Administrator access to access those files anyway, and you can't protect yourself ...

Even though mouse-move, paint, and timer messages are generated on demand, it’s still possible for one to end up in your queue

We all know that the generated-on-demand messages like , , and messages are not posted into the queue when the corresponding event occurs, but rather are generated by or when they detect that they are about to conclude that there is no message to return and the generated-on-demand message can be returned. When this happens, the window ...

Who sends the initial WM_UPDATEUISTATE message?

Last time, we looked at the confusingly-named WM_UPDATE­UI­STATE and WM_CHANGE­UI­STATE messages. But how does the whole indicator thingie get off the ground? The default state for a window is to show all indicators. But as a special trick, the dialog manager will send a WM_UPDATE­UI­STATE message with ...

What does GDI use biXPelsPerMeter and SetBitmapDimensionEx for?

What does GDI use and for? Nothing. The and are completely ignored by GDI when loading a bitmap. The values are there for the benefit of image-editing programs who want to record additional information about the bitmap, but GDI ignores them. Similarly, the and functions update a structure associated with each bitmap, but GDI ...