The Old New Thing

What are the conventions for managing standard handles?

Consider this function: void ChangeConsoleColor(WORD wColor) { HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(h, wColor); CloseHandle(h); } } "When I call this function, it works the first time, but when I call it a second time, Get­Std­Handle returns a handle ...

What are the dire consequences of not selecting objects out of my DC?

The convention when working with device contexts is to restore them to the way you found them. If a drawing function selects a bitmap into a device context, then it should select the original bitmap into the device context before returning. Same for fonts, pens, all that stuff. But what if you decide to violate that convention? For example, ...

Inadvertently creating dress-like-Steve day

Even if you haven't been paying much attention, you may have noticed that Steve Sinofsky has developed a bit of a uniform for himself. You can pretty much count on him wearing a T-shirt with a V-neck sweater. (There appears to be some sort of alphabetic theme there, but I'm not going to check if he's also wearing a G-string.) Some time ago, ...

Marking a shortcut to say that it should not be placed on the Windows 8 Start page upon installation or treated as a newly-installed application

Today's Little Program creates a shortcut on the Start menu but marks it as "Do not put me on the front page upon installation." This is something you should do to any secondary shortcuts your installer creates. And while you're at it, you may as well set the "Don't highlight me as a newly-installed program" attribute used by Windows 7...

The source of much confusion: “backed by the system paging file”

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood sentences in the Win32 documentation is this little bit in the documentation for : If hFile is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the calling process must also specify a size for the file mapping object in the dwMaximum­Size­High and dwMaximum­Size­Low parameters. In this scenario, Create­File&...

What does 1#J mean? A strange corner case of the printing of special values

As a puzzle, commenter nobugz asks, "What kind of infinity is 1.#J?" double z = 0; printf("%.2f", 1/z); Now, the division by zero results in IEEE positive infinity, would would normally be printed as 1#INF. But the catch here is that the print format says "Display at most two places after the decimal point." But where is the decimal point...