April 30th, 2024

Awaiting a set of handles with a timeout, part 1: Starting with two

Suppose you want a C++ coroutine that waits for a bunch of kernel handles to be signaled, and gives up if a timeout is reached. And you want the coroutine to tell you which handles were signaled and which timed out.

Let’s start by using something we already have, namely the C++/WinRT resume_on_signal coroutine that awaits a single handle with a timeout. Maybe we can use that.

#include <array>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <wil/coroutine.h>

wil::task<std::array<bool, 2>>
    resume_on_both_signaled(HANDLE h1, HANDLE h2,
        winrt::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan timeout = {})
    auto await1 = winrt::resume_on_signal(h1, timeout);
    auto await2 = winrt::resume_on_signal(h2, timeout);
    co_return std::array<bool, 2>
        { co_await await1, co_await await2 };

The idea is that we call resume_on_signal for all of the handles before we start co_awaiting, because we want the timeout for all of the awaits to begin at the time that resume_on_both_signaled is called.


Unfortunately, it doesn’t work.

The awaiter returned by resume_on_signal doesn’t start the timeout timer until you co_await it, so what we end up doing is waiting for the first handle to become signaled with a timeout of timeout, and then only after that happens do we wait for the second handle to become signaled, also with a timeout of timeout, and the second timeout doesn’t start until the first one finishes.

So it wasn’t any improvement over

    co_return std::array<bool, 2>
        { co_await winrt::resume_on_signal(h1, timeout),
          co_await winrt::resume_on_signal(h2, timeout) };

Another problem is that the resume_on_signal returns an awaiter that expects to be immediately-awaited, so we’re taking a chance by saving it into a local variable and awaiting it later.

Some awaiters save references to their parameters to avoid a copy, assuming that the awaiter will be awaited immediately before the parameters are destructed, so we have to make sure that all of the parameters we pass have their lifetime extended past the co_await.

Furthermore, some awaiters may not function properly if you move them. For example, the awaiter may register a callback function and pass its own this as the callback data. If you move the awaiter, then when the callback runs, it will try to access the awaiter at the location it used to be, which is a use-after-free bug.

This is a hazard of awaiters, since they are written with the expectation that they will be passed directly to co_await, and the possibility that they will be saved and copied or moved may not have occurred to the authors.

Let’s try to repair these problems next time.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • LB

    I'm perplexed how an author of an awaitable type could neglect to consider what happens if the awaiter is moved before being awaited, since that's the only way to implement await_transform in the promise_type. Even if you only want to handle a specific awaiter type with await_transform, the compiler makes you add a generic fallback for all others too, so any promise_type with an await_transform will likely have 1 move unless it's elided by the compiler, which likely won't happen in debug builds since returning a function parameter isn't part of NRVO last I heard. Either way, I wouldn't dare...

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    • Raymond ChenMicrosoft employee Author

      The await_transform cannot rely on being able to move the awaiter because the awaiter might not be movable! Usually, the await_transform hangs onto a reference to the awaiter, since it knows that the result of await_transform will be immediately awaited and therefore the original awaiter won’t destruct until after the co_await resumes. Awaiters that come out of operator co_await won’t be moved (because the only time operator co_await is called is when the result is about to be awaited, ignoring the wacko case of somebody manually invoking operator co_await).

      • LB

        Interesting, I actually didn’t know the semantics of await_transform worked that way, thanks!