January 24th, 2024

The dangerous implementations of the IMemory­Buffer­Reference.Closed event

Last time, we noted that the IMemory­Buffer­Reference.Closed event is useless. Which is a good thing, because every implementation I’ve looked at is also wrong.

The problem comes with the need to raise the Closed event when the final reference is released. The implementations I’ve looked at all raise the event in the object’s destructor as a “last gasp”:

    m_refCount = 1; // avoid double-destruction


void MemoryBufferReference::Close()
    if (!m_notified.exchange(true)) {
        m_closed.Invoke(this, nullptr);
        m_buffer = nullptr;

We are giving out COM references to an object from its destructor, and as we noted when we discussed this trick earlier, this assumes that none of the functions who are given these COM references will call AddRef and retain the pointer after the call returns. (They can call AddRef, provided they also call Release the same number of times before returning.)

The problem here is that the Closed event does not come with any guarantee that the handler will honor this constraint. And in fact, you have a reverse guarantee: If the handler is written in C#, you will almost certainly not have balanced AddRef and Release calls. That’s because the common language runtime (CLR) wraps inbound COM references inside a so-called runtime-callable wrapper (RCW). The runtime-callable wrapper retains a reference to the underlying COM object, which means that the COM reference gets AddRef‘d when it is placed inside an RCW. When the RCW gets garbage-collected, the finalizer for the RCW does a Release on the backing COM reference.

What will happen is that the Closed event handler will receive two RCWs, one for each of the event handler parameters, and the RCW will hang around after the handler returns. The IMemory­Buffer­Reference object destructs despite being AddRef‘d. Eventually, those RCWs will get cleaned up by the garbage collector, and they will Release the wrapped COM pointer. Unfortunately, that pointer is now pointing to freed memory because the object destructed way back when the Closed event was raised.¹

Even if your Closed handler ignores its parameters, the CLR will still create RCWs for them, because it doesn’t know that your handler ignores its parameters. Its job is to pass the two parameters to the handler, and by golly, it will pass the two parameters to the handler.

The only winning move is not to play: Never subscribe to the Closed event.

Fortunately, you shouldn’t be tempted to subscribe to it anyway, since we also learned that the event is useless.

¹ Here’s a test program I wrote to prove that it crashes. You have to run it in Release mode so that the necessary optimizations kick in.

using Buffer = Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer;

void Test()
    bool done = false;
    Buffer.CreateMemoryBufferOverIBuffer(new Buffer(10)).
        CreateReference().Closed += (s, _) => done = true;

    // Force GC's until the MemoryBuffer's RCW runs down
    while (!done)
    // The Closed event handler created a new RCW for the
    // MemoryBuffer. Force another GC to run it down, which
    // will crash.


Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • GL

    It’s very similar to the recent series of blog articles that COM objects should refrain from handing out its references during construction. The same rule applies to destruction. Multiple ideas about this topic: (1) .NET users explicitly release the RCW using Marshal; (2) COM implementers track resurrection (see comment to https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20230928-53/?p=108833 ); (3) COM implementers do not fire the event during destruction (cf. Dispose(bool) pattern).

  • Kalle Niemitalo

    Why should the IMemoryBufferReference.Closed event be raised when the final reference is released? The documentation says this event occurs “when MemoryBuffer.Close has been called”, which seems to mean it should be triggered only by the IClosable.Close implementation in IMemoryBuffer; not the one in IMemoryBufferReference, nor by any IUnknown.Release.