Reordering C++ template type parameters for usability purposes, and type deduction from the future

Raymond Chen

Suppose you want to write a function that takes any iterable and converts it to a std::vector. This is sort of like the C# analogue to the .ToList() LINQ method. Here’s a starter kit:

template<typename Container>
auto to_vector(Container&& c)
    using ElementType = std::decay_t<decltype(*c.begin())>;
    std::vector<ElementType> v;
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

This deduces the underlying value type of the vector from the original container, and it uses the default allocator. The std::decay_t does multiple things for us here: It removes the references from the dereferenced iterator, and it also removes the const and volatile attributes. That second step allows a container of const T to convert to a vector of T.

But maybe you want to let the caller override the underlying value type. For example, given a std::list<int>, you want to produce a std::vector<long> by saying

std::list<int> l = /* some expression */;
auto v = to_vector<long>(l);

Okay, so you add an ElementType type parameter to the template function, and have it default to the container’s underlying type.

template<typename Container,
    typename ElementType =
auto to_vector(Container&& c)
    std::vector<ElementType> v;
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

This works great, but using it is an annoyance because in order to customize the Element­Type, you have to restate the Container first.

std::list<int> l = /* some expression */;
auto v = to_vector<std::list<int>&, long>(l);

You’d much rather say

std::list<int> l = /* some expression */;
auto v = to_vector<long>(l);

This reads much nicer because it looks like you’re saying “I’m converting to vector<long>.” So you swap the order of the type parameters:

    typename ElementType =                                         
    typename Container>                                            
auto to_vector(Container&& c)
    std::vector<ElementType> v;
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

Unfortunately, this doesn’t compile because you are trying to default ElementType based on a Container that hasn’t been declared yet.

So how can you get a template type parameter to default to a value that is dependent upon a future type parameter?

You use a trick.

    typename ElementType = void,
    typename Container>
auto to_vector(Container&& c)
    using ActualElementType = std::conditional_t<
        std::is_same_v<ElementType, void>,       
    std::vector<ActualElementType> v;
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

The formal type parameter ElementType defaults to void, which is a sentinel value that means “Substitute the underlying value type of the collection here.” Inside the function body, after we have successfully deduced the Container, we calculate the Actual­Element­Type by using the explicitly-provided Element­Type or (if it was defaulted to void) using the underlying type of the Container.

Adding support for custom allocators is more complicated because the allocator is a parameter. We have to convert the void to an actual allocator by the time we get to the parameter list.

    typename ElementType = void,
    typename Allocator = void,
    typename Container>
auto to_vector(Container&& c,
        std::is_same_v<Allocator, void>,                               
            std::is_same_v<ElementType, void>,                         
        Allocator> al = {})                                            
    using ActualElementType = std::conditional_t<                      
        std::is_same_v<ElementType, void>,                             
    using ActualAllocator = std::conditional_t<                        
        std::is_same_v<Allocator, void>,                               
    std::vector<ActualElementType, ActualAllocator> v(al);
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

There’s a lot of repetition here: We want to use ActualAllocator defined in the function body, but we can’t use it in the function prototype, so we have to inline its definition, producing a big ugly mess.

One way to solve this is to “save” it in another defaulted template type parameter.

    typename ElementType = void,
    typename Allocator = void,
    typename Container,
    typename ActualElementType = std::conditional_t<                   
        std::is_same_v<ElementType, void>,                             
    typename ActualAllocator = std::conditional_t<                     
        std::is_same_v<Allocator, void>,                               
auto to_vector(Container&& c,
    ActualAllocator al = ActualAllocator())
    std::vector<ActualElementType, ActualAllocator> v(al);
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

Another solution is to create helper types to do the calculations.

template<typename ElementType, typename Container>
using ActualElementType = std::conditional_t<
        std::is_same_v<ElementType, void>,

template<typename ActualElementType,
    typename ActualAllocator = std::conditional_t<
        std::is_same_v<Allocator, void>,
        std::allocator<ActualElementType<ElementType, Container>>,

    typename ElementType = void,
    typename Allocator = void,
    typename Container>
auto to_vector(Container&& c,
    ActualAllocator<ElementType, Allocator, Container> al = {})
    std::vector<ActualElementType<ElementType, Container>,
        ActualAllocator<ElementType, Allocator, Container>> v(al);
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;

Bonus chatter: There’s still more work to be done with to_vector, since it doesn’t work with vector<bool>, thanks to vector<bool>‘s wacko proxy object, and it doesn’t work with C-style arrays since they don’t have a begin() method.

Instead, we can use std::iterator_traits to tell us what the iterator produces. and we can use std::begin to support C-style arrays.

template<typename ElementType, typename Container>
using ActualElementType = std::conditional_t<
        std::is_same_v<ElementType, void>,

template<typename ActualElementType,
    typename ActualAllocator = std::conditional_t<
        std::is_same_v<Allocator, void>,
        std::allocator<ActualElementType<ElementType, Container>>,

    typename ElementType = void,
    typename Allocator = void,
    typename Container>
auto to_vector(Container&& c,
    ActualAllocator<ElementType, Allocator, Container> al = {})
    std::vector<ActualElementType<ElementType, Container>,
        ActualAllocator<ElementType, Allocator, Container>> v(al);
    std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
    return v;


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  • Turtlefight 0

    C++23 includes std::ranges::to, which is a more generalized version of to_vector: It can convert any range into any container.

    std::list<int> int_list = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    // equivalent to to_vector(int_list);
    auto int_vec = std::ranges::to<std::vector>(int_list);
    // equivalent to to_vector<long>(int_list);
    auto long_vec = std::ranges::to<std::vector<long>>(int_list);
    // equivalent to to_vector<int, my_custom_allocator<int>>(int_list);
    auto vec_with_alloc = std::ranges::to<std::vector>(int_list, my_custom_allocator<int>{});

    Godbolt Examples
    (it also handles the std::vector<bool>-case)

    msvc is currently the only compiler that provides std::ranges::to (and only with /std:c++latest).
    But in a few years it’ll hopefully be available across all compilers, once they fully implement C++23.

  • Neil Rashbrook 1

    For that last example, did you mean std::copy(std::begin(c), std::end(c), std::back_inserter(v));?
    (I also had to insert typename somewhere and change the definition of ActualAllocator to template<typename ElementType, typename Allocator, typename Container> using ActualAllocator = …)

  • Roland Bock 2

    I guess you wanted to show the template tricks, and the leading default is neat.
    But I would probably write this in a different and IMO simpler fashion:

    template <typename ElementType, typename Allocator, typename Container>
    nodiscard constexpr auto to_vector(Container&& c, Allocator al = {}) {
      return std::vector(std::begin(c), std::end(c), al);
    template <typename ElementType, typename Container>
    nodiscard constexpr auto to_vector(Container&& c) {
      return to_vector<ElementType, std::allocator>(
    template <typename Container>
    nodiscard constexpr auto to_vector(Container&& c) {
      return to_vector<std::decay_t<
          typename std::iterator_traits::value_type>>(
    • Raymond ChenMicrosoft employee 0

      Nice. I forgot that you can fake default parameters via overloads.

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