Dec 3, 2019 6 0 The automotive emergency kit is not a toy Raymond Chen Please use it only for emergencies.
Dec 2, 2019 2 0 When should I use delayed-marshaling when creating an agile reference? Raymond Chen It's a balance between doing more work now in anticipation of saving work later.
Nov 29, 2019 5 0 My summer vacation: The Tower of London and Kensington Palace Raymond Chen Doing the admissions price math.
Nov 29, 2019 0 0 Using contexts to return to a COM apartment later Raymond Chen You can go back home again.
Nov 28, 2019 0 0 How do you get into a context via IContextCallback::ContextCallback? Raymond Chen Piggybacking on the internal infrastructure.
Nov 27, 2019 0 0 Setting up private COM contexts to allow yourself to unload cleanly Raymond Chen Your private little enclave.
Nov 26, 2019 8 0 Yo dawg, I hear you like COM apartments, so I put a COM apartment in your COM apartment so you can COM apartment while you COM apartment Raymond Chen Or maybe this is subletting? Airbnb for COM apartments?
Nov 25, 2019 11 3 A slightly less brief introduction to COM apartments (but it’s still brief) Raymond Chen Managing the multithreading.
Nov 22, 2019 12 0 My summer vacation: Speaking German (wait, what?) Raymond Chen But you went to England and France.
Nov 22, 2019 0 1 How do I make a clone of a Windows Runtime vector in C++/WinRT? Raymond Chen You copy it into your own vector, but make sure you copy what you think you're copying.